The Woman in Purple

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I'm really sorry for this people, but there is going to be a part in this story that -*sighs* -just get your tissues ready and don't hate me 😞

*WARNING: this chapter may contain material that can affect those who are sensitive to hate and cruelty towards them. If that is you, you may want to skip some this chapter. 

**Also this story has some gruesome parts, I will mark these parts for your convenience :).


The Woman in Purple said you were nice.


But then you did something,


And now you were disgusting. A thing that had no place in this world.


She said she was your friend and then she went and did this to you. Why...? Because you were a sinner.

Her captivating blue orbs still bore into you, no longer filled with love. They shone with a fiery hate instead. Hate created by you. Her delicate lips were frozen in a permanent snarl as she overlooked your small shivering form. She said that you needed to pay for what you were.

You couldn't speak. All you could do was huddle closer to the ground, your naked form bleeding and raw. The pain was like nothing you had ever felt before, leaving you numb and immobile. 

You look at the woman's beautiful face, it doubles and melds together like a twisted hallucination you can't escape. The only sounds you can hear are those from the cane as it scourges your body.

Why wasn't anyone coming? Where was Ciel, Sebastien, Alois, and the others? Had they already forgotten about you?

"" Your tongue felt heavy and dry in your mouth. How long has it been since the woman brought you here? Days? Weeks?

Your thoughts are suddenly interrupted as you feel the people torturing you pour something rough onto your back. You scream in pain at the feeling of salt roughly grating your raw back, slowly burning you as it sinks into your wounds.

Your consciousness was slipping from you. A muffled bang sounded from above you, but you could already see the blackness closing in. No. You couldn't pass out, not now. You start to hear more sounds around you. Was that barking? You feel the room suddenly rise in temperature. Slowly you open your eyes to the bright world around you. Blurs of people run by you into the mound of orange, others fall into heaps of their own broken bodies. But the only thing you could focus on was the giant dog in front of you. Looking at him, he seemed familiar.


You force yourself to stand and look closer at the dog, Pluto. This dog, something was different about it. It wasn't just an ordinary dog it was...
A demon hound.

**gruesome below
A sharp screech catches your attention. It was the woman, in the jaws of Pluto. You watch in horrified fascination as he rips her in half. Her lifeless body lands with a splat. You inspect the damage at an appropriate distance. Even in death, she was beautiful. Then a thought dawned on you, was she even human?
**gruesome part end

You mentally shake your head, of course not. She was a...

Suddenly everything clicked. You remembered, everything. All you needed was to get out of this hell-hole. You turn to Pluto, only to see him lying in a pool of blood. You gasp and run over to the hound. Not Pluto, please don't let that be his blood.

You crouch down next to his shuddering form, not minding the protests from your recently beaten back. You let out a loud sob once seeing the damage done to him.

His stomach had been sliced open, everything inside leaking out. One of his eyes had been stabbed, creating a black hole where his iris should have been.
**gruesome end

He was going to die. And there was nothing you could do about it.

"Oh Pluto, baby." You sob into his matted fur. You carefully wrap your arms around his head, cradling him in your lap. He had sacrificed his life for you. Your tears pour out harder and sobs rack your body as you watch Pluto slowly die in your arms. 

You don't know how long you had sat there with Pluto's dead body lying in your arms, but it was long enough.

You slowly stand, covering yourself with nothing but a cloak. Slowly, you walk up stairs leading you away. Away from all the death behind you.

You feel the cold air outside wrap itself around you, but you didn't pay it any mind. You stand there staring at the forest around you.

You feel vomit rise in your throat as everything that has happened came back to you.
You attempt to take two steps forward, when your legs give out beneath you. Before you realize what you're doing, you call Sebastian's name.

You feel a presence approach you from above soon after and look up to see who it is. You are met with Sebastian's worried face.

"Where have you been (y/n)." He asks, unable to keep the worry out of his voice. You shake your head, to tired to do anything.

"Just take me home Sebastian, please." He nods mutely and picks you up bridal style. You had always thought that traveling to your favorite anime would be amazing.

But now you weren't too sure.

OMG when I was listening to Katy Perry singing a cover of Yesterday by the Beatles when I was writing Pluto's death scene I was SOBBING. My mom thought something was wrong with me XD. Well, I hoped you all enjoyed this update, and I am SO sorry for the long wait. Until next time...

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