Christmas/Holiday Special

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{Yay! Finally found time to make this little holiday special! Just remember that this chapter has NOTHING to do with the story, meaning it will not affect it in any way. Anyways enjoy!}

You wake up with a start. Quickly you proceed to wrap your blankets tighter around your body. Why the hell was it so cold? Shivering, you stand up and look out your window. It was snowing! No longer feeling cold, you run frantically around your room, searching desperately for clothes to keep you warm outside.
You run down the halls excitedly, you couldn't wait to jump into the snow! You pass Ciel and one look at him stops you short. He looked, in kinder terms, terrible.
'What could have put him in such a mood, especially this early in the morning?' You wonder to yourself. Wait...
Oh yeah today was his birthday, a.k.a the day his parents were murdered. Suddenly your happy mood plummeted. 'Poor Ciel' you think sadly, you could only imagine how hard it was to lose your parents.
Hesitantly, you make your way over to Ciel. Normally you would allow others to reminisce over loved ones that have passed away, but not when it was causing them more pain. You were going to help Ciel, until he found closure.
You take a sit directly in front of him at the table and softly tap the cup of earl gray sitting in front of him, catching his attention.
"Say Master, your tea is becoming cold." You say lightly. He just sighs and brushes off your comment. Thinking harder, you decide to try a different approach.
"Are you busy today?" You question. He looks up.
"Not at the moment, why?" He stares at you curiously. You smile before answering.
"Well I have some errands I have to run and I was wondering if you would want to accompany me, considering you have nothing to do." You finish. He stares at you for what feels like the longest time (but was probably like 30 seconds).
"Alright," he says, "But only because I have nothing to do and I don't feel like sitting in this house doing nothing." He states moodily. You nod happily, ignoring his explanation.
By the time Ciel had finished getting ready, you had grabbed a basket and some money. Ciel didn't know this, but you didn't really have to run errands. You just wanted to get some ingredients to make something special for Ciel.
"Ready slow poke." You ask Ciel, who just grumbles in response. As you open the door you and Ciel are greeted with a large gust of cold air.
"Sebastian," Ciel calls, "Bring the carriage to the front of the manor."
"Yes, Young-" You hold up your hand.
"Holdup. Who said we were riding a carriage into town?" Ciel gapes at you.
"It's bloody freezing out here! How else do you expect us to get there?" He questions incredulously. Grinning, you lift your arms into the white sky.
"There's this beautiful thing called walking Ciel." You say looping your arm with his. He jumps at the sudden contact.
"Fine." He grumbles and together we walk off to the market.
Though you guys weren't talking to each other, it wasn't uncomfortable.
Everything was going along fine, well, until a crack was heard and a large amount of snow fell onto your head.
You stand there silently. Damn this shit was cold. Looking over, Ciel stands there with wide eyes. Not being able to hold it in, you begin to laugh. Shortly after, you hear another laugh join in. You turn to see Ciel, laughing? Ciel was laughing? Oh my lord, you had just made Ciel laugh! You felt so happy you could have died.
Only problem was now you were wet. Yay.
"Cieeeeel." You mentally cringe at your voice. He looks over at your shaking form and soon is laughing again.
You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his torso, as you needed some sort of heat.
His laughter comes to a sudden halt.
"Let's continue walking so that I can finish the chores quickly." You say still pressed against the young lord. It was easy to walk while hugging Ciel. Let's just say the boy definitely went through some growth spurt during puberty.

(Time Skip cause I'm lazy and tired)

You both finally arrived to the market place. There were people all around you, swarming to stalls and carts. UGHHHHH it definitely wasn't going to be an easy task gathering the ingredients needed to make your 'surprise'. Gripping Ciel's arm tight, you proceed to push people out of the way.
"Excuse m-" You stop mid sentence as you see who was standing in front of you, Elizabeth fucking Midford.
And Edward.
Maybe if you just turned around and quietly walked away then-shit. Elizabeth had spotted Ciel and was heading straight at you guys.
"CIEL! Oh how I've-," she seems to stop as she looks at you, "Oh, it's you."
"I don't know who else it would be." You respond. She just sticks her nose up in the air pompously and turns to Ciel.
"Ciel, cutie, how have you been?" She questions, "I can't imagine what it must be like living with such, how do I put this, animals." Edward quickly steps in.
"Elizabeth! That is quite enough!" He exclaims to said girl.
Ummmmmm, did this bitch just call you an animal?
You begin rolling up the sleeves of your coat angrily. Guess it was time to end this bitch.
Before you can do any serious damage, though, Edward steps forward and places a gloved hand delicately on your shoulder.
"Deepest apologies on behalf of my sister. She had no right to say such crass statements." He looks deeply into your eyes, honestly making you uncomfortable.
"Um, yeah sure, whatever." You stammer, still feeling uncomfortable about Edward's actions.
You look over at Ciel who is standing there still staring at Elizabeth, slightly disgusted. Which you understood completely, if you were being forced to marry Elizabeth, well let's just say it would definitely not end well.
Edward grabs Elizabeth's arm, and begins dragging her away.
Well now that she was gone, Ciel and I could contin-BAM
Something wet and cold slides down your face. Slowly reaching up, you scoop whatever had hit your face off.
You look over, and there was Elizabeth, glaring and huffing angrily towards your direction. She smiles wickedly before scooping up more snow from the ground.
Uh, I think the fuck not you trick ass bitch.
Quickly scooping up some snow you swing as hard as you can. Ha-ha take that bitch.
The screech that erupted from her snow-covered mouth probably burst your eardrums then and there. You could see her body trembling in rage.
"THAT IMBUSULE OF A MAID JUST THREW SNOW AT ME!" She screams pointing at you.
Naturally everyone in the marketplace turns to look at you. Shiiiit, this was not good.
Before you could make a run for it, Ciel steps forward.
"As being witness to the entire event, it is safe to say that is was Elizabeth who in fact started the entire disturbance, not my maid." He calmly states to all onlookers. This causes their attention to shift over to a certain Lady.
With their attention casted places other than yourself, you take the chance to run for it. You run with Ciel all the way to the street, before stopping to take a breath. Running was definitely not your favorite.
You both walk back to the manor in silence, both of you seemed to have something on your minds. Why did Ciel stick up for you?
Soon enough you arrive back to the mansion. He probably just didn't want his maids making him look bad. Shrugging off the question you walk back into the mansion.
"You've definitely changed since you've been here, (y/n)." You look over to see Ciel staring at you from the bottom step.
"Uh, thank you?" It came out more as a question than a statement of gratitude. He simply nods and retreats to his study. Okay then, guess I better head to the kitchen...
FUCK, you had totally forgotten to get the ingredients! Running to the kitchen in a hurry you begin calling out for Sebastian.
"SEBASTIAN! WHERE ARE YOU?" You scream. "SEBASTIAN I SWEAR TO GO- or, err SATAN, IF YOU DON'T COME HERE RIGHT NOW..." Immediately, Sebastian appears in front of you.
"What is it you would like (y/n)?" He asks, slightly irritated.
"I need several ingredients, Sebastian." You say, rushed.

(Time Skip)

The manor was warm, but that was it. There were no decorations anywhere and nobody was dressed festively. It might as well have been a normal day. Boooooooring.
Ciel was currently eating dinner quietly at the table, alone. Well that is until Elizabeth came.
"CIEL! Oh I got you the most wonderful gift for your birthday!" She exclaims happily. Hmm, I guess she could be nice-
"Ew, why is she here." She asks, pointing right at you. Never mind.
"Because I work here." You reply sassily. Ohhhhh, get wrecked son. She glares for about 30 more seconds before returning her attention to Ciel.
"Oh Ciel, I do hope you are having a marvelous birthday..." She begins. After awhile her voice begins grating on your nerves, so you decide to go back into the kitchen.
For dessert you had decided to bake a snowflake shaped chocolate cake drizzled with raspberry sauce and sprinkled lightly with powdered sugar. You had never been the best baker, but you were in anime, anything was possible.
You gently lift the cake and carry it out to the dining room.
"Who wants cake?" You question loud enough for Ciel to hear you. He watches as you lightly place the cake in front of him.
"Enjoy," you whisper quietly into his ear. He finishes eating the cake, a slight blush on his face the entire time.
Eventually Elizabeth leaves and Ciel retreats to bed. In all honesty you were exhausted as well.
It was as you entered you room, the realization of what you had done to Ciel hit you, hard. You flop onto your bed, cheeks burning.
What the fuck was that behavior! Last time you checked you weren't some seductive goddess that flirted with every guy you laid eyes on. Like, that was slick as fuck! Why couldn't you do that in the real world?
Slowly but surely you fall into a deep sleep.

{Hey guys sorry this was so late (and if it sucks) I've just been super busy lately and I haven't really had the time to write this. So that's one of the reasons it may seem really rushed. Anyways I hoped you guys enjoyed this little special and until next time...}

A Trip Back in Time (Black Butler X Modern!reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin