4-The Truth Hurts~ Alexandra Evans

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Chapter 4- Alexandra Evans

"Who was the boy in the image?" Lupin asked me. We were in the classroom on either sides of one of the desks. He had a look in his eyes, it was a look of fear; I didn't know why. Of course I had known the kid in the image, I had met him not too long ago. He was probably the nicest kid I ever met on the streets. Him and the girl he was with practically saved my life, I would have died if they hadn't found me.

"It was Percy Jackson, I met him about a month or two ago. He had given me a bit of supplies, but had to leave before I could thank him properly or ask why he helped me. He was with another girl, Annabeth Chase. He wanted to take me with them, but she had said something about it being against their rules. Why was it that image that scared me the most?" I asked him. Of course the image was scary, but it definitely didn't scare me very much at all. I remembered the day I met him well.


I was sitting there by the river, it was the worst day I'd had in years. I had woken up a few hours ago in an empty ally with a bloody wrist I found to be sprained. Because of the injury, I hadn't been able to snag any medical supplies. Without them, I'd only been able to clean it in the river. I didn't dare rip one of my other sets of clothes, I had few enough as it was. Without any of the things I needed, I would die soon.

I heard some rustling in the bushes from beside the house. I jumped to my feet and slung my backpack over my shoulder. My pocket knife was in my left hand, due to my injury. A boy with messy black hair and a girl with curly blond hair stepped out of the bushes, they both had weapons on them. It was one of the few times people I met actually scared me. I mean if they had weapons, then they probably knew how to use them.

When the girl saw my scared face she slapped the boy on the back of the head. They got into a small argument before the boy's sword turned into a pen; it was odd, but I was too scared to be confused about it. They started to approach me slowly. I was backing up, until I got to the river.

"What do you want with me?" I asked them. My voice was strong, but I could feel the fear that it held tight. I was the most scared I'd ever been in my life. Never had I been so helpless with my sprained wrist. If my wrist hadn't been sprained, then I wouldn't have been nearly as scared, I could have fought them.

"We've come to help you," the girl told me calmly. I took a step closer to them, a step out of the cold river water. I took another step, and another, and another. I took steps until I was standing in front of them. As much as I was scared, I also needed a lot of help.

"You can help me with this?" I asked them. I held my right wrist out. She took it carefully in her hands. She looked me in the eyes and nodded. The boy passed her a damp cloth and she carefully wiped out the cut. All that was left was a lightning bolt shaped scar. I wondered how it had become a scar so quickly, it had been a deep cut only minutes ago. No cuts ever healed that fast by someone just cleaning it out.

Next she took a brace and put it onto my wrist, then she took a tensor bandage and wrapped it around my bad wrist. When she was finished it looked like a doctor had fixed it, the doctor that I would never have money to go to. I felt like it was already healing, like the bone was mending with the rest of the sprained wrist.

"We have a bit of supplies you can have since apparently we aren't allowed to bring you back with us, yet," the boy side. The girl elbowed him in the gut. He glared at her, but gave no other response to the hit he received. He dug supplies out of his bag, at least a week's worth of food and a bit of actual, real, money. I hadn't held money in my hands in years, since I first started out on my own. Finally he handed me a first aid kit.

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