11-Shopping!~ Alexandra Evans

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Chapter 11- Alexandra Evans

When I got back to my sleeping bag, after talking to Dumbledore and Lupin, I wasn't just pissed, I was upset. Not only did they not believe me, but they also didn't trust me. I could deal with the trust thing, I knew that they didn't before then. But they didn't believe me, I showed Lupin the memory but they still didn't believe me. I shook my head to clear the thoughts and let sleep take me over, I needed it badly. 


After getting everyone fed and back to their common rooms, I was off to Divination. Let's see what happened there. Oh, how fun my classes that day were. If you didn't get it then that was sarcasm, a lot of it. 

First things first. The Professor was a joke. She told Harry that he was going to die. Mine was more interesting though. She promised me that I would soon meet people that will be in need of my help. If I help them I would be hurt badly. After that we did tea leafs and Hermione and I used the time turner to get to Ancient Runes. Since Hogwarts only had one time turner her and I had to share it to get to our other classes. She used it more then I did so she usually had it on. 

Ancient Runes was an easy class. I could read it all without a second glance. The rest of the class ended up translating it while sat back and did nothing. I had been able to translate it in under a minute which gave me an A on it. 

Then we did feathers to needles in Transfiguration. I got it on my first try. So after I finished I got to sit back and do nothing, again. It was actually starting to get annoying by that time, considering I did that for half an hour. They needed to have more challenging things in classes, their current challenging things weren't even close to challenging to me. Others had a bit of trouble but I never had a bit. 

At lunch I ate quickly, I hadn't had very much to eat at breakfast or dinner so I ate a lot and I ate at the fastest pace I could manage. When I finished I headed down to the dungeons alone to get to Potions. Oh how I hated Potions. 

When we got to Potions was when the real action happened. 

"Ms. Evans, this class would you like to restrain yourself from making things explode?" Snape asked me when we were all seated. I let go a small smirk, how easy it was going to be to mess with him. He made it too easy. 

"Oh, I don't thing so. That lead to me getting out of class early" and gave me a mental break down afterwards, I continued in my head. Snape sneered at me but continued with the lesson. We were learning about the Draught Of Living Death. It was a fairly easy thing to learn about, suppose to be really hard to make though. 

The bad part came when Snape came to see my notes. Let's just say that it ended with him needing a new desk, maybe not wood next time. It helped us get out of class early, everyone was saying how weird it was that I didn't get detention for what I did. I knew it was just because he was scared of me and what I could do. 

Wasn't everyone? 


The next few months went on the same pattern, I would get mad and something would explode which ended with getting out of class early. I had never gotten a detention though, which even I found extremely weird. I had let Sirius off the hook for breaking into the school. He had told me about being my godfather the day after Dumbledore told me. I would have flipped on on him if he hadn't, I was about to when he told me actually. 

I rarely spent time with anyone, except Fred and George. I had been helping them with all the pranks I could manage, the quality had gotten much better. That may have been me getting a few hints from Sirius. We never got caught, I had many ways to make sure that no one had a clue about who did it or how it happened. 

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