You Swear

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You Swear

A/N: I haven't really updated yet, so here it is! I literally have a month of summer yet so this will be my intense cramming of updated lol. Continue to send in those requests, btw.

Question of the Day: How do you think your parents will react or have reacted to you swearing?

Bruce Banner:

You were currently helping out your dad in the lab, which technically was a very bad idea since you were a very clumsy person.

"Darling, pass me that test tube over there." Your dad asked, since he was busy stirring some weird chemicals inside the beaker.

"Okay, dad." You said, carefully holding up the test tube. In your haste, it wobbled and a portion of it spilled on you. Just a little, but it burned like hell.

"FUCKING CRAP!" You exclaimed, forgetting that there was an adult with you. Your dad placed his glasses on the top of his head, briskly walking to get to you. He pulled out the first aid kit, silently fixing up your small injury.

After a few minutes, he shook his head, "What a wide range of vocabulary, young lady."

You chuckled nervously, "A disadvantage of having Mr. Stark as my uncle, maybe?"

Tony Stark:

Your dad had this habit of entering your room without you knowing. It makes you regret ever allowing him to have your spare key.

"Yes, I know!" You squealed excitedly, on the phone with your best friend. You were so engulfed in the conversation that you didn't even notice your dad enter so he could get some popcorn,

"MOTHERFUCKER, THAT IS AWESOME!" You exclaimed, making your dad's jaw drop.

"Excuse me, (Y/N)?!"

You smiled nervously in return, "I'll call you back later, dorito."

As you hung up, your dad crossed his arms and checked to see if your mother, Pepper, was there.

"Well, since your mother didn't hear that.... That was awesome! You're finally growing into a woman."

Your jaw dropped this time. "I thought parents should be a good influence! I mean, I know I swear but you're actually allowing it? You won't go all, 'A good American citizen should yada yada'?"

Tony laughed, "Pep might agree with you, so just try to tone your language down from time to time. Second, I'm not Steve Rogers, because I myself am not the best American citizen, so I'm fine with it," He winked, making you nod - still in shock.

As he was heading out the door, he quickly went inside your room again, "Oh and remember pumpkin, your daddy is a badass. Good isn't always in his vocabulary, either."

Steve Rogers:
It was one of the worse times, you had hit your little toe at the corner of one leg of a table.

"FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT." You yelled, making your dad look up from the newspaper he was reading.

"Language, honey."

"C'mon dad, it hurt!" You whined. Your dad pretty much wanted you to live in a perfect society and that includes not swearing.

"That is not an excuse for violence." He shook his head, making you groan.

"You're a little bitch as well, aren't you?" He sighed, making your jaw drop. What the actual fuck.

You sent a text to your uncle, Bucky,

'Heeeeeeeey why did no one tell me that my dad swore like a sailor?!'

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