The Heck Is Wrong With Him

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Hissing you pushed him away, but sadly he was too strong, he leaned and kissed your forehead. "Now my servant go change quickly" he said smiling innocently and let you go.

Smiling in the inside you thought you can go escape from him if he left, but to your surprise, two guards came in the room and a maid.

He looked at the them and smiled sinisterly "Guard this servant. Analiza helped her get in a more comfortable clothing, I don't want my private servant to look like trash..David and Benjamin look over at y/n closely or there will be consequences.." he ordered.

Looking at you he smirked "Don't keep me waiting my pet. I'll be meeting with you before the sun falls, for now farewell" and at that he walked out the throne room to the unknown hallways.

You turned around and quickly ran to Analiza and hugged her "That f*cking asshole. Analiza Please help me escape... I don't know what to do.." you pleaded.

She gave you a sympathetic look and rubs your back "As much as I want to help miss y/n.. but I couldn't.. the prince will be furious if he ever heard you trying to escape. I..I think it's for the best that you follow his orders" she answered.

Sighing in defeat, you nod "Fine..But..what will I do? I don't want to be with that creep! Or anything that have to do with him" she kinda gave a worried look.

One of the guard finally talked walking towards you two, which is your somehow guard protector. David. "That will be a problem y/n, you are his private and personal servant. You are fully committed to do whatever he orders" one of the guards laughed slightly, guessing he is Benjamin? "Sorry to say princess but he is right, if you choose to disobey well you'll end up on the same path of the last personal servant that he has a couple of years ago.."

Tilting your head on the side, but honestly scared on what happen to the poor servant that might be you in the future. The expression of the guard's face changed in a scared and disguised look "He murdered her using a knife.. piercing it through her neck and multiple parts of her body"

Gasping and nearly scared to death. B-but.. why didn't he cut your neck before.. you messed the presentation.. disrespect him and..oh god I nearly slap him. That would have been the moment your head rolls down the ground.

Analiza touched your hand and smiled slightly "That's why I, I mean we are telling you for your own good. Follow his orders and please try not to disobey him. I don't want you to get hurt.." she pleaded.

"Alright I'll.. I'll follow his orders" you nearly shivered at the thought of you being with him and seeing his.. his.. ugh.. creepy red eyes.

She sighed in relief "Thank goodness.. now let's get you to a, comfortable clothes" she said gesturing your dirty and ripped dress.

Nodding and Following her in silence, in your head trying to make a master plan to escape this world, even if it cost for you to.ugh. be with the prince.

As the two of you and Analiza walked down the large hallways, mentally taking note of the rooms and resembles just in case you ran off.

First you need to know the layers of this castle, knowing it more will be much easier to escape the guards if one spotted you.

Analiza lightly tap your shoulder, snapping you out your thoughts. Not even realizing you two are already there. A large door made of wood and metal. With some gold designs attached to it.

You touched the door and admire the design itself. While Analiza talked to David about something.

"Neat. His gold can actually worth so much... what if.." you try innocently taking the gold off the door. Analiza noticed and chuckled.

"I wouldn't do that if I would be in your place miss y/n" she advice, awkwardly you scratch the back of your neck and stepped back.

"Ehe.. yeah, sorry It's just you know gold" you said and she nodded, holding the handles of the door.

"What's inside there by the way.?" You asked, making her look at you and smiled slightly.

"You'll obviously will like it miss y/n. It's-" she opened it slightly and pulled your hand gently. Getting inside, the beams of the light hit your eye as you look up.

"What is this..?!"

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