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You looked at him in disbelief "What?!" You yelled at him.

He gave a laugh and look back at you "Look at your face, It's priceless"

"You...You JER- mmh!"

You found your mouth was covered by that jerk. You started punching his chest in protest "Mhm!?!"

He has his eyes pinned at the entrance of the alleyway. He made a 'shh' sound, just as he said that, you can hear metals clicking similar to the once you heard earlier when the knights came by.

You stopped muffling from his grasps and he eventually let you go. He holds your wrist and whispered "Come with me princess.."

Before you can answer he continued to drag you somewhere deep through the alleyways. Going left and right from every directions.

He stopped at a suspicious looking old door with a sign infront of it 'Phoenix' and he let go of your wrist. "Uh, what are we standing here for? AND you don't have to drag me all the way here! You idiot!" You said irritated.

He rolled his eyes "I wonder how the prince can even handle a woman like you, such an annoying mouth" he said.

It left you dumbfounded like 'what?! How dare he!'. "WHAT DID YO-" "Oh please stop talking" he answered and knocked on the door.

A small slide opened in the upper part of the door "What do you want?" A deep voice told and Eric smirked "Bluebird" he answered and the slide quickly shut and soon metals starts clicking on the other side of the door. The door soon opened revealing a tall buff dude, blond hair, deep blue eyes, a noticeable tattoo on his arm can be seen.

A bird as you assume is a phoenix but it's color are orange shades. He patted Eric's back a little top hard based on your perspectives "Hahaha! You brought another free spirit, how caring" He said while Eric just give a charming smile.

He lightly punched the dude on the arm "Heh, The more the merrier What can I say?" Eric replied. The dude chuckled deeply and smiled at you "Good to have new members in our group. And I see you're the prince's private servant. So how was the brat of a prince been doing to you so far m'lady?" He asked so casually.

Eric butted in and smiled "heh John, we have to go, you can ask her later when we get back" he said holding your hand, making you blush slightly.

He started walking forward, looking back you saw John waving goodbye at you and gave a wink. You blushed more and turn your attention infront of you. You haven't really noticed how small this hallway is and how you can't see the end of it at all.

He stopped for a couple of seconds and pulled on one of the levers. Creaking sound occur and the floor infront of you both opened, leading a stairway downwards.

Torches where the only source of light and it's giving you the chills, making you accidentally squeezing his hand. He turned to look at you and smirked playfully "Aaw princess is getting scared?" He teased.

You blushed and hmpf-ed. Taking your hand back and crossing it infront of your chest. "I am not afraid. Thank you very much, it just gave me chills that's all" you explained and he just rolled his eyes.

With a smirk he said "Of course princess~" he lightly pushed your lower part of your back forward, giving you a little push.

'Eep!' Was the small sound you made as you started walking down the stairs, followed by Eric behind you.

You found the courage to ask him "Where are you taking me?" Taking a quick glance at him. "Hm? Oh, of course. Elizabeth informed me in her letter that she needs my assistance to help someone. Not really expecting you are the one I will be helping. I am taking you to a secret group of people gathering for the same purpose. And we call it 'Phoenix'" he briefly explained.

You just nodded "Oh uhm.. thanks I guess" You answered walking down a little faster when you soon started hearing sounds and people talking. A couple of seconds came by and you two faced a wooden door with a gold key whole on its right side.

Eric pulled out a Blue colored key and opened the door "Excuse me for a moment" click. The door was opened a strong bright light covered the rest of the stair case you two stepped down on.

Once your eyes adjusted from the sudden bright light. You saw some wooden houses. A lot of people talking and drinking beer. A lot of people looked around your age and some older with a similar phoenix tattoo on their arm, leg, back and even on the neck. With different colors of course.

Bright light flashing on the top of the underground hiding place. Not being able to define what it's source is. Eric whistled so loud that every one looked at the both of you. He smiled widely "Everyone! As your head leader I am most happy and pleasured to say that we have a new alliance! Y/N!" Cheers were heard and whistles as well. He bowed slightly to you with a smirk on his lips "Welcome to our group princess~" he said. Giving a small wink.

Finally been able to update this story phew! 800+ words in total! See yah guys soon on the next chapters of the story and don't forget to comment, share, follow and give some love on my books! LOVE YAAAA!

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