This is Halloween

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Robyyn's POV

I sat there shaking. No one has ever done that for me. I couldn't believe what had happened. Next thing I know I'm hugging Ray and crying at once. I've never broken down in front if someone like that. I just couldn't contain myself...

"Shhhh it'll be alright" I could hear Ray whisper into my ear as he rubbed my back.

"I-I'm sorry I broke down like that in front of you... It's just... No one has ever cared about me that much to do that for me. It was just..." I trailed off not knowing what to say next; but what Ray had to tell me text took my breath away.

"So I know this is only our first date but... Would you um... Be mine?"

I sat there in shock I didn't know what to say. Well I know I wanted to be with him but...

"Of course!" I said choked by tears.

He held me for a while and then Martha came back with the bill. He immediately payed for it and with that we left.

We drove back in silence. Mostly because I was still getting over the fact that I had cried in front of him. But still. It was sweet.

When we got to my house he walked me up to my front porch and said goodnight and if course kissed me. And when that happened I acted like it really didn't effect me just made me blush but in reality my a mosh pit had started in my heart, my head had gone to mush and my stomach was tied in knots.

I walked into my house with my face bright red and jumped into my bed with a genuine smile that I hadn't seen in years.

Several months passed and Halloween finally came.

Halloween night

"My hair is taking forever to dye" I complained to Anika and Marci as we were trying to dye my hair red.

"That's cause you always keep it black. This is like the first time you ever dyed it a color besides black" Marci said pointing out the obvious.

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes.

"I think it's done" Anika said looking at my maroon hair.

We rinsed out the dye and then did my hair. "Omg it looks just like Sally's from the nightmare before Christmas"

"Wasn't that what you were going for?" Anika asked

"Exactly" I replied taking a selfie with both of them.

We got ready and changed into our costumes. I was Sally from the nightmare before Christmas, Anika was Harley Quinn and Marci was Misty from Pokémon. We walked outside to meet our boyfriends. When we walked to the corner all we could see was Ray on Rafa's back riding him like a horse and yelling "FOR NARNIA" at the top of his lungs. While Wayne was laughing his ass off.

"What the fuck are you doing to my boy friend?!?!??" Marci yelled to get their attention.

"Nothing" Ray replied with his usual smirk as he hopped off of Rafa. I looked at all three of them. Rafa with his curly top hair and him being the tallest (6'4"). And was possibly the most awkward Ash Ketchum I've ever seen. Then Wayne with his wavy hair that he straightened in the front, two inches shorter than Rafa looking killer with his joker makeup. Finally Ray; he was a few inches shorter than Wayne. When I first met him his hair was basically a crew cut but he was slowly trying to grow it out. He looked pretty cool with his jack skellington makeup on.

"Why are we just standing here???? It's HALLOWEEN! Time for the freaks to be themselves!!!!" I cheered and then blasting 'this is Halloween' from the nightmare before Christmas. We all started to walk around the neighborhood trying to scare the little kids.

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