Hospital for Souls

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Robyyn's POV

Something happened.

After seeing Elizabeth something happened.

All of a sudden I found myself in a numb state. Like nothing in the world mattered.

Like I was somewhere.... Else.

Then it hit me.

The day she left.

I tried blocking out that memory but, it resurfaced.

And it left me with the same feeling it did 6 years ago when it happened.

~~~~~~~~~Flash back~~~~~~~~~

The yelling.

"Alec make it stop" I said crying while he held me in his arms.

"Shhhhh. Everything will be okay Robyyn." He said trying to reassure me. It only made me cry even more.

The yelling grew louder.

"Alec" I said scared. I was 11 but it still scared me. They have been fighting for the past three weeks. And they started to grow angry at me and Alec for no apparent reason.

Even more yelling.

I sat there and cried in Alec's arms.



She left the house.

And was gone.

Then I heard crying.

It was my dad.

That was the first time I heard him cry.

Then I looked up at Alec.

A tear ran down his cheek.

I hugged him and sat there in silence.

~~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~~~

I stared at the wall and dragged the blade across my wrist.

I took a sip of the whiskey.

I didn't realize how deep I cut and it wouldn't stop bleeding.

I slowly started to pass out.

"Goodbye" I whispered to myself.

"ROBYYN!" Was all I heard and I slowly dripped into unconsciousness

Ray's POV

I walked into Robyyn's house and went to her room.

I walked in and I wanted to cry.

"ROBYYN!" Was all I could manage to say.

I hope she heard me...

I needed to get her some help.

So I called an ambulance.

I didn't know what else to do.

She looked so fragile.

And broken.

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital waiting for her results.

"Hello I'm Doctor Bender. And you are...?"

"I'm Ray, Robyyn's boyfriend. I went over to her house and I found her just as she was passing out."

"Well you have good timing son, without you she could've been dead by now. Well now your girlfriend is in a self-induced coma from the combination of the alcohol and loss of blood. She could be in it from a few hours to a few months. Talking to her will help more than you think."

"Okay... Thank you sir..."

"Yes, and son where were her parents at the time when you went to go see her?"

"Um, her mom isn't in the picture anymore and her dad recently checked himself into rehab for his alcohol addiction. So she's been taking care of herself."

"Okay. And it says here she's 17. Your girlfriend is still considered a minor by law and she shouldn't be living by herself like this. CPS might have to come in and take away from her home and into foster care. Unless you know someone in her family that's willing to take care of her. Or your family is willing to."

"Okay... Thanks Dr. Bender... I'll figure out something."

"Okay. Well you can go see her now."

I walked into her room and sat in the chair right next her bed.

She looked horrible. All the color had drained from her body. She was super pale, more pale than usual. She looked like a ghost. Her eyes were sunken in with purple rings around them. And it looked like she hadn't eaten anything in days.

"Robyyn please wake up... I need you now more than anything... I love you..." I said to her lifeless body and grabbed her hand.

The Emo and the jockحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن