Lost it all

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Robyyn's POV

The next two weeks went by fast. Too fast.

All we did while I was there was hang out. We watched movies, played cards, skated, we just hung out. And we only did that one thing that one time. But when I got back something was wrong.

"Where's Rafa?" I asked as I sat down and noticed that he wasn't here.

"He moved and didn't tell us. Apparently New Years was his last day and no one knew, not even Marci. We tried calling and texting him but nothing... He replied once only to break up with Marci. And on his Facebook he's already with some other girl from his new school" Anika explained. She seemed sort of sad too. Then I noticed something; her and Wayne weren't all over each other like usual. This meant they were fighting. Again.

"Oh... I'm sorry Marci" I said but I doubt she could hear me through her headphones, as she was blasting Mayday Parades 'Terrible Things'.

Out of no where Ray came up behind me and kissed me. It was unexpected but I kissed him back. As we let go he said:

"I missed you soooo much babe! I wish those two weeks could've gone by sooner! It seems like forever since we last kissed!"

I smiled a bleak smile. I wanted to tell him but I didn't want to hurt him... "Hey can you come over today after school?"

"Um... I'll try"

The rest of the day went in with an awkward silence. He walked me to my classes but it was... Quiet. Un-normally quiet. I normally hate Taylor Swift but 'I've never heard silence quite this loud'. It was driving me CRAZY. Ugh I need to tell him.

I went home after 8th period with him in his car. We walked inside and up to my room.

"So what do you need to tell me....?" Ray said sitting on my bed.


Ray's POV

"I-I... I cheated on you while I was in Austin..."

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say... I was pisssed, and sad at the same time. I didn't know what to do so I just walked out. I walked out angry. I could here Robyyn behind me. I didn't turn around.

"Ray please listen..."

"What?!" I almost yelled as I turned around.

"I-I I'm sorry. It was an accident... He got me drunk... I don't even know what happened... I-I just woke up..." She had black tears streaming down her face, her eyeliner and mascara running. "Please Ray..."

"I just can't handle this right now... I just need to leave. Know that I'm not breaking up with you. I just... I just need to clear my head.." I walked out of her house and went to my car and drove home.

Welp end of chapter.

So vote.!


And other stuffs c:

Hope you like (:

Love you.!


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