Of Props and Mayhem

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I'm sorry guys I couldn't do it ;-; I just couldn't ;-; hate me all you want but I couldn't write it ;-;

Robyyn's POV

Cabo was fun. We stayed there quite a while. Mr and Mrs Zaragoza were nice enough go give us the master bedroom so we had fun.

When we came back Ray and I took care of Mia and JJ while Mr and Mrs Zaragoza worked. Taking care if them I got really close with all three of them.

Now I laid in bed with Ray the night before senior year started.

"Ray?" I asked.


"What's going to happen to us after senior year?" I asked him this because I was truly terrified what was going to happen. Ray and I have been through so much together... He's literally been my life support this whole time. I know it's bad but still...

"I don't know Robyyn... I'm hoping to get a football scholarship to A&M and play for them. And also get my degree in Engineering... They make good money, right?"

"Oh... I was going to wait a year and then go to college. I really don't know what I'm going to do yet... I need that year for myself and so I can get my head straight." I thought about what I just said and how it seemed so different from what Ray had said.

"Oh... Well we never know what the future will hold! For all we know you could meet Vic Fuentes and and fall in love with him. No one knows..."

"True... Everyone's lives will change as their story goes on..."

"Well the future isn't until a while... We should get some sleep babe"

"Okay. Goodnight"




"I love you"

"I love you too"

Super short chapter.

Whale hate me all you want .-.

I'm sorry ;-;

I love you ;~;

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