I write Sins not Tragedies

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Robyyn's POV

I drove up into my drive way and parked my car. I got out with Dallas and Ray as I walked up my porch I saw Anika sitting on it with a box of monsters and a bag of hair dye.

"Hey where were you? I got bored so I decided to come over. Plus my hair is fading and I need your help re-dying it- what are they doing here and why does Dallas have a bag?" Anika said all at once and then going to hug Dallas.

"My parents are out of town so I decided to come here and see old friends" Dallas said to Anika.

"Oh yay! Wait where are you staying?" Anika asked.

"He's staying here" I said looking at Ray seeing if he'd do anything.

"So am I" Ray said and we all turned around and looked at him.

"What" Anika and I said in unison.

"You heard me; I'm staying. I wanna make sure you two don't do anything like you did last time. I trust Robyyn but I don't trust Dallas here for shit. If you wanna stay then fine, but I'm staying too" Ray said to Dallas.

"Fine by me." Dallas said not worried.

"If you two are staying so am I! This should be fun!" Anika said in amusement.

"Guys you forget that I live with my dad" I said pointing to the house. "What will he say when he gets back?"

"I don't know. Let's wait and find out!" Anika said.

"Okay" I said opening the door. But as soon as I opened it I saw a note from my dad: I need to get away... I'll see you the Monday after spring break...

"Well that clears my dad. Who's ready for a week long slumber party?"

"Me!!!!" Anika almost yelled "wait I need clothes..."

"Me too" Ray said "hey we'll be right back. You two don't do shit" he said pointing at me and Dallas.

"What makes it seem like we're gonna do anything?" I asked him innocently. All he did was give Dallas a dirty look and walked out the door with Anika following him.

"So wanna make out?" Dallas jokingly asked me.

"Not even in your dreams you little Perv! You almost ruined my relationship again."

"Hey it was partially your fault too. It takes more than one person to cheat in a relationship" he said with anger in his voice.

"Whatever. Look this is supposed to be a good week okay? Let's just enjoy each other's company."

"Wait what's going on?" Anika asked as she walked inside. I for got that she lives five houses away.

"Oh nothing" Dallas and I said in sync.

"Okay so that's what that sounds like... So what we gonna do once Ray gets back?" Anika asked.

"Who's up for movies and just staying in?"

Anika: "sure!"

Dallas: "I'm game"

Ray: "what I just got here"

"We're just gonna sit around and watch movies" I told Ray has be plopped down a bag with his stuff. He just shrugged and took his place next to me on the couch.

I got up and looked trough my movies and suggested a few. Then I lifted one up not realizing what it was and everyone yelling"THAT ONE". I looked at the case and it was the nightmare before Christmas. I put the DVD in the DVD player and we all just sat there watching the movie. After that movie ended we watching the corpse bride; then franken wenie; then Edward Scissor Hands; then Beatlejuice. And well Dallas and Anika fell asleep during that movie so it was just me and Ray.

"We should go to sleep" I said yawning and putting the DVD back.

"Or we could... Y'know..." Ray said gaining me a sideways glance.

"Um no. You got arrested today. None for you" I said walking away and up to my room.

"Technically yesterday babe. I mean it is four am" he said giving me his usual smirk.

"I don't say it's 'tomorrow' until I wake up. Either way you got arrested and you're not getting shit" I said slowing walking up stairs waiting for him to follow me.

"Well at least can I sleep with you? Like just sleep?" he asked innocently.

"Okay... I guess. Wait where are you going?" I asked as he went towards the kitchen.

"Hold on babe"

"Okay?" I went to my room and changed into my pajamas. I waited for a little while and he came upstairs.

"Hey sorry about that I needed something to drink and my stuff"

"Oh it's okay. Come hereeee" I said holding out my arms like a three year old. All he did was laugh and get in bed with me.

"Hey can I confess something to you?" he randomly said while sitting up.

"Sure you can tell me anything"

"Okay so before I met you I was suicidal. Very suicidal... I attempted to kill myself five times. Twice hanging; twice over dosing; and once trying to cut. But as you can tell it didn't work. But after that first day of school when I met you I couldn't believe someone like you could exist. You were so beautiful, yet, damaged. I may have not pointed it out that first day but I saw your cuts from in between your bracelets"


"Yeah... But I could tell there was something about you. I don't know what but something good. So after you agreed to that first date I was so happy. I literally ran home after you said yes. I was just amazed. Then later on you agreed to be my girlfriend. Again I was amazed. You were such a beautiful girl and you agreed to be with someone like me.... It was amazing. Robyyn know that I love you and I never want to leave you. I'm yours. I love you Robyyn." He said then kissing my forehead, nose, then lips. He was wonderful and I loved him. Really loved him.

"I love you too Ray" I said in between breaths of our kiss. I could tell he smiled and then let go.

"Well we should get some sleep before the sun comes up" he said with a chuckle then laying back down.

"Okay. Goodnight love"


And with that we fell asleep in each others arms.

Hey guys.!

I hope you like c:

So um



And all that other stuffs c:

Love you.!!!


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