Kissing in Cars

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Robyyn's POV

Here's a summary of my summer and senior year:

Did nothing most of the summer.

I fought with Ray exactly 5 times during the year.

I ended and started the new year with a 'bang' if you know what I mean.

I thought I was pregnant; ended up I wasn't.

Dyed my hair blue for a while.

Didn't like blue so I went back to black.

Almost started to self harm again 3 times.

And lastly planned Anika's and Wayne's wedding which took forever.

And today was finally graduation. The day we waited all year for.

I stood in line and waited for them to call my name.

"Robyyn Rose" the announcer said not very thrilled.

Some people cheered, others not so much.

I walked the stage and got my high school diploma and it finally hit me; you're not coming back next year.

After all this time I finally realized that I wasn't just going to enjoy summer and get one with my boring life; I actually had to START my boring life soon.

Too soon.

Once the ceremony ended I met Anika, Ray, Marci and her new boyfriend Jake outside.

"I can't believe it's over... Just like that and poof! we're in the real world." Anika said shocked.

"I know it's crazy!" Marci said agreeing with her.

"Well besides that; tomorrow is the big day huh?" I said to Anika smiling.

"Oh yeah." She said back blushing. And just on que her fiancé Wayne appeared.

"You ready for tomorrow babe?" Wayne asked her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Yes! I can't wait!" Anika said happily.

"Neither can I" Wayne replied.

"We'll let you guys go; we have to find Ray's parents anyway." I said walking away before they could say anything.

Once we found his parents they congratulated us and took us out to eat.

The next day came and we all met at Anika's house for the wedding.

It was going to be a simple wedding with just their immediate family and us.

When Wayne saw Anika walk down the aisle we had set up in the back yard his face lit up. I had never seen Wayne this happy.

Anika wore a white strapless dress that hugged her body and went all the way to the floor. She wore a white lace shall thing that had sleeves and went from her shoulders down to the ground.

Wayne had on a simple tux, and a smile that I had never seen before. He looked like the happiest man in the world.

Marci and I wore matching light blue strapless dresses that went down go the middle of our thighs. And the two grooms men; Jake and Wayne; wore tuxedos with light blue ties.

The actual service didn't seem to go on that long. Next thing you know I hear from both of them; "I do"

Pastor: "You may kiss the bride!"

Wayne and Anika kissed and everyone applauded them.

Once the ceremony was over the party began. We danced and ate and just had fun. It was a great way to end the year.

But then I remembered something.

Ray was leaving tomorrow for England.

He was going to be gone for two weeks and if he liked it he would stay and if he didn't he would come back.

So I had to make tonight last.

We danced together, we laughed, we talked. We had fun tonight.

Two weeks later

It had been two weeks since Ray left. He wasn't able to call me because he had been so busy in England.

I went outside to check the mail. I had sent some applications in for some Universities in England but I didn't think I would make it into any of them. I picked up the pile of mail from the mailbox. Bill. Bill. Junk. Junk. Junk. Oh look, more junk. Bill. Bill. Robyyn Rose; The University of Manchester.

What I thought to myself as I picked up the letter.

I opened the envelope very carefully and unfolded the letter.

Congratulations Robyyn Rose! You have been accepted to The University of Manchester with a Full Scholarship! Registration starts September 1st! Hope to see you there!

I started to freak the fuck out. I didn't think I would make it into MU! Best of all Ray was going there too. I had to call him to give him the news.

No! At the top of our lungs,
There's no, no such thing as too young,
When second chances won't leave you alone,
Then there's faith in love

Ray's ringtone started to play from my phone. I quickly answered it to give him the news.

"Hey I was just going to call you!" I said happily.

"Really? That's funny" he said laughing from the other end.

"Guess what babe!"


"I GOT ACCEPTED INTO MU!" I said happily.

"Really? That's great Love! I already have a flat here. I was calling you to see if you wanted to come live with me here. And I guess you have to now" he said laughing again.

I started to blush. "I'll pack my things and get a plane ticket. I'll see you in a few weeks Love. I Love You. See you later"

"Later babe. You'll love it here. I can't wait to see you. I love you too"

I hung up my phone and started to freak out again.

I'll see you later.

I was so fucking happy.

Well guys I'm basically done with this story but not quite yet.

I'm writing the sequel as we speak.

So if you want to know what happens with Ray and Robyyn follow me for more reads c:

I love you all.!

Laterzzzz c: <3

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