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Robyyn's POV

I walked to school in a daze after the week I had with Anika, Ray, and Dallas. In only nine days they managed to eat all my food, spend most of my money, wreck my house and almost crash my car. Twice. I know it sounds rude, but I was pretty happy when they got all their stuff together yesterday and went home. I mean I love them but living with all of them at the same time is hell.

I walked to the table where we always sat outside. Anika was fast asleep in Wayne's arms and Marci was still listening to sad Mayday Parade songs.

"I wonder why Anika is so tired if she was the first one to fall asleep all week" I thought outloud.

"I dont know, but that was the best spring break I ever had" Ray said and then kissed me.

The bell rang for first period and we still walked to class

The day seemed to drag on forever but it finally finished. I walked home and after only a few hours of being there someone rang the doorbell.

"Whaaaaaat" I said annoyed with my new company then opened the door.

I stood there in shock realizing who Ute was.

"Mom?" I said in a confused shock.

"Hello Robyyn. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

All of a sudden I grew angry at her. I haven't seen her in over 6 years and she decides to show up at my doorstep. Wow.

"What do you want Elizabeth?" I asked with annoyance.

"I just came to see my wonderful children" she said with a smile that should be warm but came out cold.

"Hmph. Well Alec got a scholarship to UT so thats where he is. The minuete he could, he left this hell hole." I said with annoyance to her.

"I always knew something good would come out of that boy. You on the other hand.... Always getting into trouble. I'm surprised you're not prgnant yet." she said with a scoff.

'I have all A's actually and I didn't want to follow in your footsteps; having Alec at 16, what a wonderful highschool experience that must have been!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Why do you think I waited 5 years to have you? I wanted another child but I couldn't handle you both so young. But yet, here you are"

"Whatever so whats the real reason you're here Elizabeth?"

"Actually I came here to give you and Alec the keys to my summer home in Cabo, Mexico; now that I don't go there anymore. And the house is payed off and I really don't want to sell it so you two may have it." she said and then pulled the keys to the house. "Well I don't expect you have a passport so here's $1000 so you can go get one. I know they don't cost that much but I think I owe you money, well just keep the thousand, here's a fifty and a ten for tax"-she handed me the money-"Well I have to go; your step father is waiting for me in the limo. Bye Robyyn, text your brother for me" and she walked out of the house.

"Well what the fuck just happened" I said to myself locking the front door then getting my phone out to text my brother who I never talk to.

New message to: Alec

R: you'll never guess who came over

A: who.?

R: the wicked witch of the west herself: mom

A: wtf. What she say

R: she gave me keys to her summer home and money

A: wtf. And I don't get shit

R: don't be surprised if she shows up at UT in her limo with our 'step dad'

A: ew. Well I have to go to class. Bye. Oh yeah it gets better after high school. Trust me

R: thanks Alec. See you when ever. Bye

I locked my phone and looked at the key shocked at what I just experienced.

"I need a drink" I said to myself then getting the whiskey out of my dads stash.

I sat down drank my drink and went on with my 'normal' day.

End of chapter.!

Miss me ;D

Sorry guys I got my phone taken away ;-;

So um



And all that other stuffs :D

I love you all.!


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