Scars and Liquor- New School

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*Raven's POV*

The next morning I got up and dreaded the day but I was also excited at the same time. I was looking in my closet and just picked a yellow t-shirt, shorts and a flower crown. I went downstairs and my mom was making me breakfast. "Good morning honey, how did you sleep?" She asked

"Ehh not the best sleep I've ever had but good I guess" I lied. It was the best sleep I've ever had!

"Okay well go upstairs and take your pills." She commanded.

I went to my bathroom and got out my pills, antidepressants, and took two of them. I've been on my pills since I was 10 in 17 now so its been 7 years... Yea I guess you can call me a depressed little freak but I don't really care anymore I used to get called that all the time.

I make my way back downstairs and I see Kyle standing there with my mom talking.

"Mmm mmm" I cleared my throat. They turned around. And look at me.

"Oh, hey Raven." He said and I could see him blush a little bit.

"Hey... So what you doing here before school?" I asked and completely realized the answer after I said it.

"Well I was coming to see if you wanted to wall to school with me?" He said nervously.

"Sure! I-i mean yea sure that'd be cool I guess" I said stupidly. I cursed at myself in my head.

We said goodbye to my mom and started walking.

"You look cute today... I mean you outfit... Its a good outfit on you." He said nervously.

"Thanks you too." I giggled.

"So you nervous?" He asked.

"Well no dur." I said jokingly.

"Well there are good people here so don't be nervous." He said assuring me it would be okay.

"Oh... OK" I said hesitating.

Then we arrived at school.

"It's okay I'll be able to find my way Kyle. Your acting like in a lost puppy." I said kind of annoyed.

"Okay fine" he said kind of mad and walked away.

I got to my locker and I heard people say "oh look another emo... Great like we don't have enough fags". I walk to the bathroom and broke down in the biggest stall.

"Hello? Are you okay?" I heard from the other side of the stall door.

"Um.. Yea I'm fine" I said while sniffling. I got up and got out a makeup fixed and fixed my makeup.

"Okay well don't be late to class it starts in 10 minutes." They said.

Shit.. People will be able to tell I was crying. I put in eye drops so my eyes weren't red. And you could see a little puffiness but not much.

As I headed to class I got pushed on the floor and spit on being called an emo and them saying to kill myself.

I just brushed it off and went to class. And that's mainly how the rest of the day went... I was bullied and went to class.

Kyle and I met after school. He must have seen some of my bruises that are all over.

"WHAT HAPPENED??" He said yelling in a worried way.

"Um nothing in just clumsy and I fell... A lot..." I said coming up with an accuse.

He glared at me, "I'll believe you this once... But if there are anymore I'm gonna interrogate your ass..." He said still glaring.

The walk home was silent.

*Kyle's POV*

I was with my friends and I look over and Raven was on the ground being called named and stuff. I was walking over to her bit before I could she ran into the bathroom. I asked one of my friends to go in there and see of she's okay and she said that she was.

Right after school I asked her if she was okay but she just lied and said she was clumsy and that's how she got bruises.

On the walk home I wondered why she wouldn't tell me when I already know what's wrong.

When I got home my mom was already drunk. My dad was at work so he couldn't help me with her.

"Kyle! Get your ass over here!" She slurred her words.

I walked over to her and she threw an empty vodka bottle at me. "Go get me more!"

I stood there and just looked at her and then she picked up a beer bottle and hit my head with it. Then I saw all black.

Scars And LiquorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora