Scars and Liquor- I Like You

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*After the funeral, At the hospital*

When I got to my room Kyle was there. I was kind of mad at him for the way he broke up with Rebecca but I couldn't be mad at him for long.

I glared at him. " I'm still mad at you," I said trying to make him think I was still mad at him but really I wasn't.

"But but why?" He did puppy dog eyes.

"Because you broke up with a girl over the phone!" I glare at him again.

"But the reason I didn't go to the funeral was to go to her house and broke up with her in person," he turned his head and there was a big red hand mark on his cheek, "for you..." He blushed a little bit.

My heart just melted. He so sweet he could give you a cavity. I know what your saying and I know its clique but its true.

I just gave him a bear hug and he hugged me back. We just sat there for want seemed like forever but it was probably only 30 seconds.

I laid down and we talk all day.

*Two days later*

Kyle stayed with me all weekend and the doctor said I can check out today too.

Kyle and I were both really happy because I get to sleep at his house. I don't know if I'll sleep in his room but I don't care I'm still happy.

My mom and I both went home and both of us packed but I didn't pack that much because I could just come over to get clothes.

"Honey," my mom said looking like she was gonna cry, "I promise. I will get better. I will be gone for about 6 months or more though depending on how my progress is. But I will do everything I can to get better."

"I know mom." I simply said and she smiled.

We walked down stairs. Kyle and his parents we're down there. His parents are going to take her there and I will be able to use my mom's car if I want too.

My mom said her goody byes to everyone and her and Kyle's parents left.

Kyle and I left and went to his house. We walked to his room which I figured out I would be staying in and I put my bags next to his bed.

"So Raven," Kyle started, " why did you kiss me?" He asked grinning like and idiot.

"Because I hear what you said when I was in the coma," I blushed, " a-and I like you too." I said looking at my feet.

I saw his feet walking up to me and he stop a few inches in front of me.

"Well in that case," he said, "Raven Bloom Kelly, will you do me the honor and be my girlfriend?" He said still grinning like an idiot.

"Hmm," I said teasingly, "only if we can watch a movie." I ended up giggling.

"Of course we can dear," he said in a British accent.

I giggled and he picked me up bridal style then went downstairs. I started to laugh hysterically when he did that.

"What movie my lady?" He said still with the British accent.

"You can pick one." I said laughing at him because his British accent was terrible.

He put in "The Conjuring". I like older horror movies but not really newer ones, especially ones based on a true story.

He made the couch into a bed and we later blankets and everything on it. I ran to the kitchen and cooked some popcorn and out it in a bowl then ran back to the couch.

He sat down and he did the yawn and put his arm over my shoulder. I giggled at threw a piece of popcorn at him and he caught it in his mouth somehow.

After the movie, we just cuddled then he lifted up my head and kissed me.

It was a small, light kiss too. I whined and he gave me a kiss then he moved back.

"Ah ah ah," he wiggled his finger, "now you wouldn't want to spoil your dinner would you?" He saidZ Oh yea its only about 5 pm.

I groaned and he just laughed at me and got up.

"And don't forget that you start school again tomorrow." He said with a smile.

"Ugh," I groaned, "will you take me to the store?" I asked with puppy dog eyes.


"Because I want to get hair dye to make a big entrance!" I said sarcastically.

"Finnee" he whined.

We got in the car and I plugged to aux chord into my phone and played Pierce the Veils new album Misadventures. I pick the song "Circles", which is my favorite song so far but I haven't listened to the whole album.

I started to sing along with it and so did Kyle.

(A/N you should listen to it its a really good song though...)

*At Walmart*

I ran straight to the hair dye section.

"Kylie," I giggled, "what color?" I whined because I couldn't pick a color.

"First don't call me Kylie I'm not a girl," he said, " second I think red would look good and get some blonde for me too please." He said with puppy dog eyes.

So I grabbed red and blonde and I had to get some more conditioner.

"Ooo can we go get ice cream? Pwease!" I said like a two year old.

"But its already 10 pm and we need to go dye our hair for school" he said frowning.

"Fine we'll go tomorrow though," I whined, "or else." I said glaring at him.

"Ok baby girl." He laughed.

"Don't call me that!" I yelled, "that's some kinky sh!t right there" I laughed.

We both laughed and we finally got to the front of the checkout line.

The girl at the counter looked at us like we were crazy so I looked at her like she was crazy. Then she rolled her eyes and I copied her every move.

Kyle and I were laughing hysterically all the way home.

*At Kyle's house*

We both went up to the bathroom and he dyed my hair and I dyed his bangs.


Ravens new hair on top

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