Scars and Liquor- Going back to school

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*Ravens POV*

I woke up and say blonde hair. I giggled and got up to see Kyle's hair had drool and hair stuck to his face and he was snoring just a tiny bit. Of course, being the person, I am I took a picture and put it as my screensaver on my phone.

I got up and took a shower and put on my clothes.

I saw it was 7:00 so I woke up Kyle because he takes an hour to get ready and schools starts at 8:15.

I tried to wake him up by shaking him but that didn't work so I got a spray bottle and put water in it. I sprayed him with it but it didn't work. Then I pushed him off the bed but that didn't work either. So I got a big bucket and filled it with ice water and poured it on him and he screamed like a little girl so I started to laugh hysterically and eventually fell on the ground.

Kyle just glared at me and took a shower. I was still laughing when he got out. But then I stop because he only had jeans and a plaid shirt that was unbuttoned. And he look f*cling haawwttt!

He grinned at me and buttoned up him shirt.

"See something you like?" He grinned.

"Pfft, no" I lied.

I looked at the time and it was 8:00.

"Come on let's go!" I said quickly.

We got our stuff and went to school. When we got there Kyle's friends came up to us and laughed at me.

"Why are you hanging out with this loser?" One said.

"She's so emo," one laughed, " I bet she cuts and cries herself to sleep."

Tears began to build up in my eyes so I ran to the bathroom and I heard laughing when I ran by.

I sat there until 8:10 so everyone was mainly in class until I walked out and I made sure that my makeup was okay and my eyes weren't red and puffy.

I went to my locker and put my stuff away and went to class. I put on a hoodie on the way there and put ear buds in.

When I walked in people were staring at m and whispering. I just went to my seat.

"Oh Raven! I'm glad to see your back!" The teacher said and everyone looked at me. All I did was gave her a fake smile rand shrink into my seat so the whole class wouldn't look at me.

Everyone looked back at the teacher and some people were whispering and some people were texting then looking at me and back at the teacher.

I hated it when I had all the attention especially when I'm the only who knows most of what happened to me before I went to the hospital.

I never told anyone yet how I ended up there. I remember a little bit and I'm pretty sure that he raped me. The doctors and police have both asked me if I knew what happened to me but I said no because I was ashamed.

Now that I think about it... I haven't had my monthly yet. I started panicking in my head but we were still in class so I couldn't just get up and leave. Just then the bell rang and it was time to go home.

I ran to my locker and threw my backpack in my locker and I then ran to Kyle and I was still freaking out but I didn't show it.

"Hey ba-" he started.

"You need to take me to Walmart" I mainly commanded him to do.

"Umm okay?" He said unsure.

I drug him to his car and he started to drive to Walmart. Right when we got there I hopped out.

"Just stay there okay!" I yelled while I was jogging up to the doors of Walmart.

I ran straight to the area with condoms and pregnancy test.

You know its pretty ironic that there are condoms right next to them I thought getting off track. I realized I was off track and I ran too get a few pregnancy tests, to make sure that it was accurate, and I picked up a boy's shirt to cover it.

I went to the self check and checked my stuff out and put it in a bag and ran back to Kyle's car.

"You ready?" He asked. And I nodded fast then we went home.

Once we got home I ran straight to the bathroom and locked the door.

"Period?" Kyle's mom asked knocking on the door.

"Umm y-yea I just needed to go to the store and get supplies," I said hesitantly, "that's why we were late."

I heard her walk away and then I quickly opened the three boxes I had and took out 5 tests.

I peed in the little cup and stuck each stick one by one in the cup. After that I sat back and with my head in hands and I heard 5 beeps in a row.

My stomach started to turn and I slowly got up and looked at the first one. Negative. I was relieved but I saw the second one. Positive. The third one I looked at. Positive. The fourth one I looked at. Positive. And the last one was positive.

I sat back down and cried silently. I knew that my life was over. I thought that the doctors would have found it or the guy would have killed it.

I realized that I would have to keep it because I'm its mom now. Also I wouldn't be able to hide it for long because I would start to show it soon. I could tell myself that I was starting to show a tiny bit but no one else could. Or it was just my mind playing tricks in me...

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