Scars and Liquor- The Secret

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*Kyle's POV*

While Matt and I were playing video games I got a text and even though I didn't want to talk to anyone other than Matt at the moment I opened it.

Raven. Of course. I read it because I was curious at what her excuse was for CHEATING on me...

Kyle. I know you don't want to hear from me but your mom will explain everything. Just know that I will love you until death. Goodbye. I love you.

Shit. Shit fuck I knew what she was thinking about doing.

"Matt I need you to take me to the Moon Light hotel..." I said. He just stared at me stupidly.

"NOW!!" I yelled and he jumped up and grabbed his keys. I took them from and and got in the drivers seat because he was taking to long. I almost left without him but he jumped in the last second.

During the ride there Matt kept on asking a lot of questions and I just ignored all of them.

We got to the hotel and I ran up to the room and luckily the door wasn't locked. I walked in and saw nobody but I had a sense raven was here.

"Raven?! RAVEN???" I yelled looking around.

"Kyle! What is going on?" He asked and I could see the worried look on his face.

"Raven..." I was calming down. " s-she cheated on me... And she g-got pregnant..." I said trying not to cry mainly at the thought of it.

"Oh my god," he said looking at me with sympathy in his eyes. "Kyl-"

"Don't look at me like that." I cut him off.

Then suddenly I heard water? It sounded like... Someone was moving in water...

I ran to the bathroom door and I saw a little bit of blood at the bottom of the door. Shit Raven.

I turned the knob and the door wouldn't open.

"Matt help me!" I said.

After a few seconds we got the door open but we broke the hinges on the door.

I first saw the floor and there was red everywhere. Blood. I looked at the mirror and I saw Raven faced down in the bath tub.

"Matt call 911!!!" I practically screamed at him and ran to Raven.

I pulled her limp body out of the tub and her lips were turning a light blue color yet it was still dark and her face was very pale. I cupped her face and I almost started to cry seeing her like this but I didn't want to cry in front of Matt.

I looked back at Matt and he was freaking out rambling words and pacing around.

"Matt!" I yelled at him and he stopped almost instantly, "she will be okay..." I tried calming down. But the truth is I don't know if she will be okay.

I set Raven down softly and put two fingers on her neck checking for a pulse. There was a soft slow pulse. I checked if she was breathing and it was a very raspy breathing like if she had asthma.

I realized that she tries drowning herself and I started to do CPR. I started pushing her chest. I did it 30 times then I did mouth-to-mouth twice. On the second repetition of the pushes she coughed up a whole bunch of water. She still had a raspy breathing but she was breathing heavier then earlier.

"Raven! Oh my god" I said yelling the first part and whispering the last part.

I just sat there hugging her and at this point I was balling my eyes out. I grabbed her face and stared into her dull blue eyes. They had not sparkle like they use to. Its like they were lifeless.

"Why did you save me?" She asked almost like she was angry.

I didn't reply I just shook my head.

"I thought you hated me." She said with a tear on the brim of her eye lid.

"Raven I d-" I was cut off by the paramedics barging in.

There were three people and they had a stretcher. They kept on saying things but I didn't understand any of it. All I did was sit there staring at them pushing her out of the bathroom while she was on the stretcher.

A few minutes after my mom came coming in crying. She came and sat next to me and I just buried my face in her shirt while she was cradling me.

"Honey, what happened for her to do this?" She asked while petting my hair.

"She told me she was pregnant... And I don't know what came over me.. A-and I just f-freaked out on her a-and went to Matt's house," I said and at this point I was crying, of course, "but then i-i got this text from h-her and I knew something w-was wrong and I came here and s-saw her faced down in the tub." I cried.

"Oh honey," she sighed, "she didn't cheat on you.." She said.

"Mom what are you talking about. Of course she cheated on me or else she wouldn't be pregnant." I said standing up and I raised my voice.

"No Kyle, she didn't..." She paused.

"What mom just say it" I yelled at her.

"Kyle! She was raped! Can you not see that? She loves you and would never cheat on you! I can't believe that you think she would cheat on you! She mainly had a mental break down in front of me this morning. She thought you were gonna leave her like you did." She yelled at me.

My whole world stopped and I just stared at her. How could I be such an asshole to her.

I just ran out of the hotel and didn't stop until I was at the hospital. I stopped right in front of the hospital and took a deep breath. I put one hand on the door and pushed it opens and walked in.

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