Scars and Liquor- The Hospital

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*Kyle's POV*


I opened my eyes and I saw that I was in a hospital room.

I looked to the side of me and saw my mom and dad. On the other side was a whole bunch of medical equipment.

"I'm sorry..." Was the first thing I said.

My mom and dad just hugged me being weary about my cuts.

"Your grounded when you get home." My dad said.

My mom smacked his arm. "No you aren't. We understand why you did it. You love her." She said.

"I I don't know. I mean is it bad that I have a girlfriend but I'm in love with someone else?" I said hesitating.

My mom and dad laughed and shook there heads "no".

"Have they found Raven yet?" I asked.

They looked at each other. "Yes." They both said but not in a happy way.

"Well where is she!" I said happily as I scrambled to find my shoes.

"In the room next door." They said.

Instantly my heart broke. "W-why is is she h-hurt?" I said.

"Yes. She's in a coma. And there is only 5% chance she will wake up." My dad with a tear forming in his eye.

"I-i need to see her..." I said with tears also forming in my eyes.

They lead me to her room.

She had a bandage around her head and she looked like she got hit by a bus.

Her face and blue and purple. Her arms and legs had bruises all over then and her foot was in a cast.

I started to cry seeing her in that condition.

I walked up to her and sat in the chair next to her bed.

"Raven... I'm sorry... This is all my fault. I should have just not had Rebecca over. Hell I don't even like her!" I yelled then started to cry even harder.

Raven's mom came in and tried to comfort me but she wasn't able to.

"Please... Just wake up... I don't care if you don't like me the way I like you... I just want you to be back." I said in a whisper.

"Kyle its time to go." My dad said.

"I wanna stay here with her." I said.

"You have to go to your room. You have to stay here for 2 days." He said.

I slowly got up and grabbed Raven's hand and kissed it. Then I slowly walked out.

*Later that night*

I couldn't sleep that night. I just wanted to be with her. It's like she's my guardian angel; sent to me to watch over me, protect me, or just to help me threw all the bad shit in my life.

I don't know what I'll do if she doesn't wake up. I don't know if I'll be able to handle it.

I promise that I will figure out who did this to her and make them pay...

*The next morning*

I instantly got up and went straight to Raven's room.

The doctor came in. "Good news!! There is now a 10% chance that she will wake up." He said.

I mean I know that it's a better chance but its still a 90% chance that she won't wake up.

"Oh... Okay..." I said disappointed.

Then suddenly I saw her hand twitch.

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