Scars and Liquor- Morning Sickness

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I made sure that my makeup was okay and it didn't look like I was crying. I picked up all the test and stuffed them in my bag and went to the dumpster, down the street so no one would know that they were mine, and threw them away.

I walked back home and went straight to sleep.

*6 hours later*

I woke up and it was about 11:00 and saw Kyle watching TV and I slowly got up and laid my head on his lap. I heard him chuckle and he just started to play with my hair.

After about 10 minutes he got up and went to the kitchen. I groaned when he got up. Then he came back with some wine glasses and a basket that had a bottle of wine in it poking out the top.

"What's all this?" I asked smiling.

"Its an apology dinner." He said simply.

"For what?"

"For not chasing after you when you ran away." He said looking at the ground.

I turned to him and gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. I saw his cheeks and they were a light rose color.

"Apology accepted" I said smiling at him again.

"Well what are we waiting for then," he threw his hands up while standing up almost falling over. He then handed me the basket while he slowly put the wine glasses in it and picked me up bridal style.

The rest of the night we just hungout and I didn't drink any wine, which Kyle was asking me why but I just told him I don't like wine.

*Next Morning*

I suddenly woke up and ran to the bathroom cupping my mouth. I pulled up my hair and puked in the toilet. I saw Kyle's mom walk by and she asked if I was okay.

"I must have eaten something bad," I said.

She looked at me weird but accepted my explanation.

Thankfully Kyle didn't wake up yet so I could just take a shower and think.

After my shower I dried and straightened my hair then I ended up puking again. I walked to the room and got dressed then woke up Kyle.

I was thinking about telling Kyle but I was afraid he would break up with me. Right then I saw Kyle again shirtless and I almost melted right there. I decided what I was going to do but I was going to do it after school.

We both went downstairs and ate breakfast. Kyle's mom was looking at me weird still. I took a bite of my pop tart that I was craving really bad.

"Hey Raven," she looked at me again, "could I talk to you for a second? Alone." She looked at Kyle.

"Uh yea, sure" I said confused and worried that she figured it out. Wait, she can't know because I threw away the tests.

I followed her into the bathroom and she locked the door behind me.

"Are you pregnant?!" She asked in a loud whisper.

"How do you know?!" I asked in a loud whisper as well.

"Because I know a pregnant lady when I see one!" She said, "but is the baby Kyle's?" She asked with a worried look in her eyes.

"Uh um, no b-"

"Raven you cheated on him!?" She said cutting me off.

I broke down and cried.

"N-no," I said, "I-i was r-raped." I said in between sobs.

She looked at me with sympathy and sighed.

"Oh my, honey" she sat next to me and hugged me then rubbed my head.

"Honey it will be okay," she said softly, "have you told Kyle yet?"

"No," I said sighing, "I was gonna tell him later, but I'm afraid someone at school will find out and spread rumors."

And we left it at that and she just hugged me.

She left the backyard and I fixed my makeup so you couldn't tell I was crying.

I walked back to the kitchen and Kyle gave me a worried look I just looked back at him telling him I was fine and he doesn't need to worry.

After that we washed the dishes and went out to Kyle's car. Kyle was still looking at me still worried. The ride to school was silent and awkward.

When we got to school the popular people were still bulling me and they started to bully Kyle too. I looked at Kyle worried because he was clenching his fist so hard his knuckles were white.

I just grabbed his arm and pulled him away because I was afraid he was gonna lunch one of them. I was looking at him and pulling him at the same time. While I was pulling him I accidentally bumped in to someone.

"Oh I'm sorry." I said while I was looking them.

"Oh its okay!" A girl with black and green hair that was short, "Oo I love your hair!" She squealed.

"Oh um thanks," I said shyly, "I like yours too." U said looking at her hair.

"Oh yea my names Ivory," she said smiling, "but you can call me Ivy." She held out her hand.

"Uh I'm Raven and this is Kyle, my boyfriend." I said looking at him and he smiled like a dork at me when I said boyfriend.

"Cool! Oh here's my brother," she pointed to a boy with black hair and two lip rings on one side of his lip, "his name is Matteo but his nickname is Matt."

"Nice," I paused a little, "so does this mean we're friends?" I asked awkwardly.

She smiles and nodded her head really fast. The rest of the day went with all of us hanging out. We all have each others numbers now and we are gonna hangout tomorrow.

I started to get really nervous when I got in the car with Kyle.

"Kyle, can we go somewhere private?" I asked nervously. He nodded his head urgently like he thought I wanted to have sex with him.

About five minutes later, we pulled into a hotel parking lot and got a room. He called his mom and told him we were spending the night there. My stomach started to turn and I felt like I was gonna puke.

"Kyle I need to tell you something" I said as I was sitting on the bed.

"Yea babe?" He said with a confused look on his face

"I-i'm pregnant..." I said stuttering and started to cry.

Ivory at top

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