Scars and Liquor- The Darkness

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*Raven's POV*

I don't remember what happened earlier and I'm sure that I don't want too.

I woke up on a a steel table with only a blanket over me. I had no clothes on or anything.

A man that looked homeless but he was dressed in a suit and tie.

"Well hello sleepy head!" He said with a creepy smirk that sent shivers down my spine.

He in tied me and threw my clothes on me.

I quickly put them on and glared at him.

He out rope around my hands and put duct tape on my mouth.

Then he picked my up bridal style and threw me in the van.

*After 5 minutes of driving*


He picked me up and I saw we were in an alley and he them started to kick me.

First in the stomach then on my back.

I was crying and screaming yet no one could hear me because I had a whole bunch of duck tape over my mouth.

He then sat on my side and started to punch my head. I could here a crack and blood flowed into my mouth.

Instantly I knew he broke my nose.

He started to pull of my clothes and he unbuckled his pants. They pulled out his man-hood and shoved it inside me. At this point I was barely away and I didn't care weather I died or not I just wanted it to be over.

When he was done he got up and kicked my head and I was out.

*Kyle's POV*

We had put posters all around town with Raven's face on it asking have you see her and we put out phone number on it.

My dad knew that I was depressed so he tried to make me feel better and he let me stay home from school.

I just couldn't take it anymore. Not talking to the girl of my dreams. She may not know it but.. I think I love her. She makes me feel so happy and no one could take that way.. And if she's dead then in order to be happy I have to do what I have to do.

I went up into my bathroom and pulled out 2 bottles of medicine. I also got the vodka from under my bed.

I got out a pen and a notepad and wrote a letter to all my friends and my mom and dad telling them why I did it.

I drank and drank until I didn't know what I was doing. I took the bottles and poured all the pills in my hands.

I shoved them all in my mouth and swallowed. I just layer there and wanted to die already. I just went to sleep and let the darkness consume me.


I know its short but I wanted to leave a cliff hanger :)

Scars And LiquorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora