Chapter One

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Another restless night under the stars above and the cigarette buds below. My nights are often like this, quiet and alone. 

I sit outside the tour bus, waiting for everyone to arise from their slumber so I can sneak my way inside and pretend that I slipped into sleeping bliss just as they did. 

There are many secrets about me and I have no intention of letting them out, but I know sooner or later the lies will come back and bite me in the ass. I live a wreckless and dangerous life that even the closest people to me know nothing of. 

And I'd like to keep it that way. It's the only way I can protect them.

I finish off my 8th cigarette for the time being and I slither my way back into the tour bus. I hear snoring and muffling, shifting and squirming, confirming that my bandmates are about to wake up.

I slide into my bunk, wrap a blanket around me and I rest my head on the pillow. I close my eyes and await the arrival of Ashley.

He always wakes me up in the morning, which I happen to enjoy because in reality I had feelings for this man. Of course, he doesn't know. Why should he? It would make our relationship awkward and nearly unbearable for me, oh and him. He brings women on this bus every night, doesn't matter if we had a show or not. 

So why tell him. It's best for the both of us if this secret is kept in my own mind. 

"Andy", he whispers while shaking me gently as if he could hurt me, "Andy wake up, lets go get breakfast."

I pretend to shift back and forth, like my body is waking up from a good nights rest. I rub my eyes like they've been shut for the past 9 hours and I blink a couple times, pretending to catch my vision as I turn towards him. It amazes me that every morning he looks like a porcelain doll when he was a drunken mess the night before.

I cleared my throat, "I'll be ready in a minute", I replied, smiling at him. 

He let out a big smile, "yay! I want pancakes! So hurry up!", he demanded while shuffling away. 

He's adorable and I love him to death, but he will never know that.


Ashleys POV

I shuffled my way to the bathroom to get ready to go to breakfast with Andy. I loved spending the mornings with him, it was like a date every time! No one else likes to get up this early except for him and I, so I had him all to myself.

Yeah, I like Andy, a lot, but I could never tell him. I mean, LOOK AT HIM, plus I'm almost positive he's straight. Although, I would never really know because he doesn't talk about himself much. He's so distant and I hate it. Why can't he just let me in that noggin of his. I'm not scary right?!

I noticed I was chewing on my comb while staring at my reflection, ooof, why did I wake him up looking like this?!

Every morning I get up and fix myself before I wake him up, because lets face it the whiskey will do terrible things to you. I dread the moments that he sees me when I am drunk off my ass with some hooker to get my mind off of him.

He'll never know that. 

If he did know though, would he just...drop me? Or...I..UGH ASHLEY GET THE FUCK READY.

"Ashley, are you alright?", Andy's voice echoed on the otherside of the door. He has such a majestic, deep, beautiful voice. Gah.

I cleared my throat, "oh yeah I'm fine, just trying to get my shit together," I fake laughed.

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