Chapter Eleven

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Bret made himself comfortable at the table, we followed behind and let out a deep sigh.

Stress had fully taken over at this point, we were mere humans, what could we do? Yeah, we had Bret but thats all we had. 

Bret sighed, "okay, the only way we're going to receive the other 390 vampires is if we follow behind Juliet, she'll lead us right to them. We can only assume that's where he destinations are..."

I gulped, "what if she figures it out?"

Jake chimed in, "yeah what if she realizes we're following her and leads us of track somehow?"

Bret thought for a moment, "that's why we can't be seen, and Ashley, you need to see Andy."

My eyes widened in a bit of surprise, "w-what do you mean? I thought that was a bad idea!"

Bret shook his head, "no, she will become suspicious if you don't. She knows what he means to you, so it wouldn't look so obvious if you met up with him."


"I'll be there to protect you, dont worry", he smiled.

"I'm afraid to see him though...I don't know if I can handle seeing him be someone else..", I trailed off feeling the tears form in the corner of my eyes.

"We're all going to be there with you..", CC reassured me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah we wouldn't let you do this alone, stupid", Jake joked, Jinxx smiled in agreement.

Bret smiled, "well alright then, since we're all on the same page we should get going."

We all gave Bret a confused look.

He sighed, "I can track Juliet right now but if she gets too far away I won't be able to anymore, since we don't particularly have a bond."

CC nodded and got in the drivers seat, "alright lets do this."

I smiled in admiration, CC was brave, it didn't matter what the situation, if someone he cared for was in trouble he would help with no hesitation.

Bret climbed in the passenger seat, "alright she's heading to Barcelona, Italy right now, but I highly doubt that she wouldn't make any stops."

Jake tilted his head slightly at Bret, "what do you mean?"

Bret's face turned stern and serious as he looked at Jake, "they have to feed at some point."

I gulped remembering when Andy fed on me, my body shivered. Not going to lie, I enjoyed the sensation but it's gruesome to say the least. 

CC tightened his grip on the steering wheel, "let's go", he finally spoke.

Bret looked at him in a bit of surprise and nodded in agreement.

Jake, Jinxx and I sat at the table trying to hold back our fear, but it was written on all of our faces. What if the 10 vampires she has can't control their thirst? What if they're so caught up in feeding that they turn on us? 


I got so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed that the bus was moving and we were on our way. Soon, I would have to face Andy, that probably won't even recognize it's me. I felt queezy at the thought.

My thoughts laid me to rest in my bunk, tears held my face as I fell into a deep sleep only to wake up to hell.

"Ashley get up!", CC yelled while he was shaking me by the shoulders.

Why was he here and not driving the bus?

"Get up now!!!", he shook, "we need to get out of here now!!"

My eyes snapped open as I scrambled out of my bunk to find the bus mangled as if someone twisted it.

CC grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the mess to where Bret, Jinxx, and Jake were safely standing. They were covered in dirt, cuts and bruises cover their skin.

I started breathing heavily, not noticing that I had a fair amount of injuries myself, "what happened?!"

CC was panting, "s-something hit us..."

Bret was looking around frantically, "I-I don't know but we're close to Barcelona...which only means-"

He was cut off by a hissing sound surrounding us.

Jake whispered, "w-what is that.."

We all knew the answer, none of us wanted to say anything. Before I could say anything Bret turned from a normal person to his true form. Fangs dropped from the top of his mouth, eyes turned blood red, his skin turned pale, his hair darkened, and his nails grew sharp.

My mouth dropped to the floor at this site, he was a completely different person, until he spoke.

"Behind me, now!", he demanded, his voice was the same with a slightly growl in his words.

We obeyed of course and huddled behind him. My breath quickened as the hissing grew louder, but there was nothing in site. 

It all happened so quickly, there was a black figure that appear as quickly as it disappeared in the distance. Bret went into a defensive stance as his fangs beared for battle.

The figure appear in front of us, still and fully visible.

It's hand latched onto Bret's throat, causing him to yelp.

We all froze, we couldn't help him.

It was Andy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2014 ⏰

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