Chapter Ten

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" can't be", I sobbed.

"We have to find him", Jake said.

"We will find him Ashley!", Jinxx exclaimed.

"C'mon lets go", CC demanded, helping me up.

We head back to the bus, but didn't move. Where do we go? How do we know where he is? None of us have any connections with him anymore...unless...

"Hey do you think he has his cell phone?", I asked.

"I don't know, give it a try", CC replied.

I dialed his number and listened to the line ring.





"H-hello? Andy??"

I heard a womans chuckle, "oh sweetheart, your Andy is no longer here. He is mine now and you can never get him back do you understand?"

"You fucking twat, we're coming for him and we are going to get him back by whatever means necessary", I said growing angry.

She laughed, "oh but Ashley, he doesn't even remember you. So I'll let you visit, but the Andy you knew is no longer here."

There was silence. Could she be lying?

"And if you're planning to kill me I wouldn't dare because I am death and I cannot be killed", click.

I stood there in shock and utter confusion, what now?

"What happened?", CC asked.

"She said he doesn't remember us anymore...", I tried to hold back my tears.

"H-how?", Jake asked.

"The was everything about me, about us was forgotten", I hung my head.

"We can't just sit here and do nothing though!", CC yelled.

"Well what can we do?!", I screamed in frustration.

There was silence, all of us beginning to sob. We can't just let him go that easily but what can we do?

"There's gotta be a way, more...creatures out there maybe?", Jinxx thought out loud.

"Yeah but where?", I sniffed.

We all sighed.

"She said she would let us see him...", I broke the silence.

"Really? Where? When?", Jinxx asked.

"I don't know, but I don't know if it's a good idea...she said he is noting like the Andy we know and love."

"But what if she's lying?", CC asked.

"Then she won't bring him", I said with confidence.

"Lets take the bus to the next city, we were going there anyways for tomorrows concert. We can't go back...", I said.

If we go back, questions will be asked and we don't exactly have the answers. 

CC drove us to the neighboring city. We parked near a gas station. The place itself wasn't exactly the crowded type, which is a good thing.

We got some food and water, and tried to think of a plan to get Andy back. Nothing was working. 

CC slammed his fist on the table, "why is this so hard?!"

Knock, knock.

We fell silent.

CC got up and stood in front of the door, "who is it?"

"Your answer."

CC looked at us in confusion and we returned the same.

"If you don't let me in, you'll never get Andy back."

CC unlocked and opened the door to find Bret Von Dehl from The Relapse Symphony. 

"B-bret? What the hell are you doing here?", CC asked while going into shock.

"I saw what happened with Andy and thought you guys could use some help."

"Y-yeah but what can you do..? You're just like us", I said gloomily.

Bret smiled, "but I'm not."

We all furrowed our brows at him.

"I was created by Juliet as well."

Our eyes widened, "so you're a.."

"Correct", he kept smiling.

"Has she gone after you yet?", Jinxx asked.

"No, I think she has forgotten about me honestly. But who knows, only time will tell", he kept a cheerful smile on.

He was kinda cute not gonna lie.


"Mind you, Andy is more powerful than I am, but I have resources and that is what is going to help you guys", Bret explained, "Juliet is putting an army together by gathering all of her, what she calls, babies. A.K.A. monsters she has created."

"H-how many has she created?", I asked hesitantly.

He shrugged, "I would say close to 400."

My jaw dropped.

"She has only recovered 10."


"Don't get happy too easily, that leaves 390 for us to find."

"How do we find them though?", I asked eagerly.

Bret's smile broadened, "with me!"

We stood in confusion.

He sighed, "I'm a tracker, that's my special ability. I can detect when someone is other than human and who created them."

"Oh that's awesome", Jake said.

"Okay, well what are we waiting for?", I asked.

"You're going to need more than one tracker Ashley."



"Now, lets see. Our next stop is Barcelona, Italy. Oh this is going to be so much fun! All have all my babies soon enough!", I cried in joy.

The school bus I had stolen had 10 of my little babies seated perfectly. I picked the prettiest humans I could find and I did a damn good job.

"Andy darling would you come here?"

He obeyed and was at my side almost immediately, we'll have to work on that.

"Yes, my lady?"

"Now once we get to Barcelona you know what you must do right?"

"Yes, my lady."

"Good, I'm going to stop at a nearby neighborhood before entering so you can get your strenght", I pulled his head down so I could whisper in his ear, "kill as many humans as you need to so you reach full potential, that's an order."

He straightened up and bowed his head a little. He's such a cutie.

His final words before returning to his seat,

"Yes, my lady."

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