Chapter Four

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I can barely feel my head its pounding so hard and my legs feel numb from running so fast. I'm trying to get back to the bus as fast as I can. I have to tell the rest of the band that Andy is a fucking freak!??? He's not even HUMAN. What in the world.

I finally made it to the bus and I bust through the door to find Jake, Jinxx, and CC on the couch eating lunch. Is it lunch time already? 

I bend over to catch my breath. I can feel them staring at me, waiting for me to explain. I don't run. Ever. Even if the hello kitty store was having a sale. 

" alright dude?", Jinxx finally asked.

As I continued to try and catch my breath I closed the door and locked it. Because locking doors keeps vampires out Ashley. 

CC chuckled, "did you run?!"

He seemed so ecstatic, he always tried to get me to run with him.

"Yeah I did because fucking Andy-he's-he's...", as I stuttered I realized how crazy I would sound, but they have to know. do I prove it to them?

"He's what Ashley? Is he okay?", Jake asked growing concerned. CC's smiled faded away and Jinxx kept his eyes on me.

"He's fucking fine he just mawled a fucking bear for christ sake!!", I blurted out. Yeah I don't sound crazy at all.

CC smiled waiting for the joke then frowned once he caught the sight of my face, "wait what? Where is he?? We have to go help him! Why would you just leave him like that?!"

He stood up, growing angry.

"No it's not what you think!", I exclaimed, "he-he-he killed it! With his bare hands and-and his mouth!", I began pacing and reliving the whole scenario in my head, pointing at my mouth and looking at my hands like a fucking nutcase.

"Dude, what have you been fucking smoking?", CC interrupted my thoughts.


They sat in silence, keeping their eyes on me. They looked scared, had I really yelled that loud?

It was seemingly lighter in the bus and I could feel the suns heat on my back.

The door is open.

And the shadow of Andy stood over me.

He stood there with a hood on and a lit cigarette in his mouth as calm as can be.

As soon as I caught a glimpse of him I jumped back and fell onto CC. Andy came in and closed the door. The door was locked??? Hello ?? ? ??

CC and I scrambled to get ourselves together and stood up.

"Dude what's Ashley going on about you killing a bear?", CC laughed, "and you're a vampire??"

"Did you give him some meth or something?", Jake laughed and Jinxx joined in with a giggle.

I looked at Andy, "well you're going to tell them right?"

Cigarette smoke filled the cabin, not like we aren't used to it anyway I was just aware of everything around me at this point.

"I don't know what you're talking about Ashley."

I stood there stunned. How could he? Just lie to the whole band? And make me look like an idiot!

"How dare you! Why don't you tell them the truth?!", I yelled.

"Because there's nothing to tell", he calmly replied while taking a puff of his cigarette.

"See dude, maybe you were just trippin' or something", CC laughed while patting me on the back.

I slapped his hand away, "don't fucking touch me. I know I'm not crazy I know what I saw!"

Tears began to gather in my eyes and I tried so hard to make them go away. I'm pissed, I don't want to cry!

"Ashley, I think you need some sleep", I said so calmly motioning towards me. I backed away from him.

"You know what, I'm gonna prove it to them. They're going to see who you really are Andrew."

He lifted his eyebrow. Fucking prick.

I went into my bathroom and found the razors. Yes I cut, no I'm not proud, yes I am a grown ass man. Move on. I brought them back out to the band. I could hear them chattering and giggling like this is some big joke.

I held out my arm and put the razor to it. Silence filled the bus. 

"Ashley, please don't hurt yourself", panicked filled Andy's voice.

"Ashley what the fuck are you doing?!", CC yelled.

"I'm going to prove it to all of you", I said in between sobs.

I slid the razor down my arm, opening a big gash causing blood to spill. Not drip. SPILL. It hurt but the amount of pleasure from seeing Andy's face go from healthy to sick was too great.

CC, Jake, and Jinxx started to run towards me to help me but I backed away threatening another cut.

"Look at HIM!", I yelled as I could barely keep the smile off of my face.

Andy was hunched over on the ground holding his face, staying still.

"He's probably disturbed by what you've done!", Jake yelled.

CC walked over to Andy and knelt down besides him, "Hey's okay....", he whispered while rubbing his back.

I stomped over to Andy and shoved my arm underneath his face, "show them Andy, SHOW THEM!"

He whipped his head up and there he was, fangs out, eyes red, skin pale, looking me dead in the eye.

CC jumped backed, "What the fuck?!?!?!"

I couldn't help but smile at this precious site. 

I looked at CC, "not so crazy am I?"

"Um..Ashley...I don't know what's going on but...I would..get away from him...", Jake said from his bunk trembling.

I looked back at Andy to find his eyes black...they were all black and the veins around his eyes were purple/blue, he looked...scary...I backed away next to CC holding my arm to my chest.

I wasn't quick enough. Andy had me pinned and my arm in his mouth in 0.00002 seconds.

"ANDY STOP!!!!!!!"

And it all went black.

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