Chapter Three

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The pain is excruciating, my legs feel like they are falling apart. I hear shuffling and the chirping of the birds around me. But what creeps me out the most is the silence. Where's the bear? Those..those eyes that I saw just before slipping into a deep sleep.

Am I dead? Why can't I hardly move?

Then every single ounce of pain that I felt vanished. My body was at ease and my legs felt as if they just went through the best massage ever. I could feel my body relax and my muscles soften.

Am I dying? Is that why I feel this sudden relief? Back to freaking out again.

I squeeze my eyes and open them to be engulfed by a bright ray of sunshine hidden behind the trees above me. I sit there and stare until my eyes can go into focus. I cough a little causing my body to twitch and shake.

I prop myself up on my elbows and squint my eyes to help them focus. I see this black figure down by my legs, hunched over.

What the fuck?

My vision goes into focus and this figure

"What the fuck are you doing?!", I screamed as I jerked my leg towards me.

Suddenly my body ached in pain at the sudden movement. I grabbed my leg and winced, trying to make it all go away.

"Ashley stop", the figure said as he jerked my leg back and pinned it to the floor.

I couldn't believe was ANDY. He was...sucking on my leg...on the flesh and the blood...

"WHAT THE FUCK ANDY?!?!?!", I screamed again, trying to jerk my leg back again.

He whipped his head around making eye contact with me, his eyes were silver and his mouth was stained with blood, "stop moving", he growled, showing me his teeth.

His..his..HIS TEETH! He has...fangs???

I was so overwhelmed with the sight of Andy that I fainted.


 Goddammit. He saw me. What the fuck am I doing? I'm going to have to tell him now. 


I can't react now, I have to heal him. I look back down at his leg, open and bloody as hell. I slit my wrist with my fangs, suck in my own blood, hold it in my mouth, and rest my lips on his wounds to let it spill. My blood is filled with venom that can heal anything of the human body or animal. My body heals itself, so I will never die.

Ever. Even if you cut of my head and burn me I will remain alive.


I sit there for about 5 minutes continuing this healing ritual, then I just sit back and watch it all come together.

His leg looks better than it did before it go wounded. There was no sign of a wound. No scratch, nothing.

Am I miracle worker yes?

I let him rest there for awhile while I go down to the nearby creek and wash my face and hands of. I didn't want him to freak out even more than he already is.

I clean up then sit by Ashley, watching him sleep. He looks so peacefull and beautiful, like angel.

What the fuck Andy, knock it off. 

Believe it or not I'm a hopeless romantic and it annoys the shit out of me. I wish I wasn't so lovey dovey, which is why my exterior is a big wall. Inside I'm this little teenager boy writing his crush's name on his notebook in class.

Oh wait, I did do that.

I stare at the outside world with my hoodie limiting my sight. 

I hang my head and sigh, hoping he will wake up soon.

And with that his legs shift and his torso squirms a little. I here him groan from resting on a bunch of sticks and rocks. 

I guess I could've moved him, but I was afraid to touch him. I drank so much of his blood that I...I don't know...I have this like connection to him that I can't break.

I have this constant need to protect him and be near him.

I wish whoever made me would've stuck around to teach me this stuff.

 He sits up aching in pain, I could see by the look on his face.

I wish I could've taken it all away. It kills me to see him in pain.

He looks around and then stops at me and just stares for a moment.

"A-Ashley, I can explain...". I broke the silence, trying to sound as gentle as possible.

I didn't realize that my fangs were still out, so I retracted them making him jump and back away a little.

"Ashley I'm not going to hurt you...", I inched towards him, trying to sound comforting.

And with that he gets up and runs, away from me, as fast as he can.

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