Chapter Nine

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"Once I break this bond you will be my little servant, you will cater to my every need, do you understand?", Juliet hissed.

"I will never forget Ashley and I will never succumb to your bullshit!", I growled.

I launched her off of me, causing her to hit a nearby tree. It didn't phase her at all, it was like she fell into a pile of flowers.

"YOU ARE MINE! I CREATED YOU! YOU OWE ME EVERYTHING!", she whined will stomping towards me.

"For all I care, you could fall of the face of this Earth", I replied with no remorse.

She screamed causing my ears to rattle, while she threw a fit I ran. I had to protect Ashley..Jinxx..Jake..CC. I wouldn't dare let her touch them, but how? In front of other people who don't know about me? I's time to reveal what I really am.

I got to the bus and pounded on the door, "it's me Andy!"

With one quick movement the door swung open and I was pulled in by my shirt. 

"We're getting out of here", CC said as he climbed into the drivers seat.

"Drive as fast as you can", I demanded.

"You're gonna let CC drive....?", Jake whined from the back.

"Unfortunately", Ashley replied.

"I doesn't matter", I growled, "get moving!"

CC sped off causing Ashley and I to hit the deck. We mad it to the freeway in no time. Our phones rang out of worry, we hadn't told anyone what was going on. Although we felt bad to leave everyone and all those kids for the show, we needed to live for our sake and everyone elses.

"Are you okay?", Ashley asked me while helping me to the couch.


"Who was she and why does she want you so bad?", he asked with a little bit of attitude.

"She's my maker."

"Ooooooooooooo", Jinxx said from his bunk.

I sighed, "she wanted to break our imprint so I would only answer to her."

I could see it in his eyes that he was taken back, "how do we stop her though?"

"I don't know, like I've said before I have had to learn everything on my own because she wasn't there to teach me. I mean what exactly did she expect? Me to come looking for her? I mean...I thought if my maker didn't want to stick around and teach a newborn then what was the point in searching for them?", I looked down in disappointment.

"She's not taking you away from us", Ashley demanded.

I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Uh...guys? We have a problem", CC spoke with nervousness.

"What's wrong?", I asked.

"She's right behind us."

Jinxx and Jake squeeled, hiding under their covers.

I went up to where CC was and looking in the mirrors, and there she was. This black mass speeding through the air.


"Okay, you guys stay in here, I'll handle her", I demanded while getting of the couch and heading towards the door.

Ashley grabbed my arm, "wait where are you going?"


"If you think you're going out there you're fucking insane", he interuppted.

I turned and hugged him, "I won't let any of you get hurt because of me."

I quickly let go, pushed the door open and jumped out.

I caught the side of the bus and climbed to the top of it. She was already there waiting for me. 

"I figured you would try to be the hero", she chuckled,"so naive."

"Let's end this", I growled.

I lunged and caught her by the throat, "I'm going to fucking kill you so you can't ruin anyone else's life."

She began laughing hysterically, "oh Andy, you're so cute. The thing is, my child, you can't kill me."

"You're full of shit", I hissed as I started to squeeze her throat.

"But see if I created you, a dead creature, then what does that make me?"

I remained silent squeezing with every ounce of strength I had, but it seemed to have no effect to her. 

"I am death", she whispered.

Everything went white.


I paced back and forth inside the bus, "how do we help him?!"

I filled with frustration the more the time went on. We can't just stand here and do nothing but what can we do? We're just mere humans.


"What was that??", I grew worried, "CC pull over!!"

"No! Do you want to get hurt Ashley? He's doing this to protect us as he should! We don't belong in this!", he began to sob.

I stomped over, "pull this fucking bus over Christian."

He looked up at me with tear-filled eyes, "Ashley I can't I'm sorry."

His focus went back to the road.

"He could be gone! The imprint between us could b-AGH", my body filled with immense pain and I collapsed to the floor.

I screamed and screamed hoping it would go away. I feel as if all of my bones are breaking at once. I could feel CC pulling the bus over. Jake and Jinxx were immediately at my side. 

"Ashley? Ashley! Say something!", Jake yelled while grabbing me by my shoulders.

I started to cry hysterically, the burning grew. I felt like I was on fire. 

I could feel them carrying me out to the side of the road and laying me down. The cool breeze brushed my face as if it was trying to calm me down. The pain grew worse then it vanished.

Just stopped instantly.

Everyone froze while looking at my face to see what was going to happen next, but there was nothing. Not even a pinch.

"It-it's gone, the pain is gone", I finally spoke, sounding disappointed that the pain vanished.

But I wasn't, I was confused.

My eyes shot up to the top of the bus, Andy was gone.

I looked at CC, "d-do you thi.."

I began to cry, my cheeks were traced with tears.

He looked at me in shock and so did Jake and Jinxx.

"You don't think...", Jake thought out loud.

"No couldn't have..Andy is too strong to...",Jinxx trailed off.

The imprint was broken.

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