51. Pub Gig

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Taylor said she will drive as she won't be drinking, so she picked up me, Zayn and Perrie and the five of us including Louis are ready to go. I feel like I'm fifth wheeling, but I don't mind as I want to have a good night tonight.

"How was your doctors appointment?" I ask Taylor and I notice Louis shift in his seat uncomfortably. I want to find out why she has been going to so many secret appointments and not telling anyone why.

"You getting something done love? Botox, lip injections?" Perrie suggests and Zayn laughs at her and shakes his head. "I'm just kidding."

"No got forbid that." She says simply. "It's nothing El, please don't worry."

"Louis you're awfully quiet about this." I should keep my mouth shut, but I am a little nosey at times.

"Because he doesn't know you that well. Right Lou?" Taylor glances at him quickly and he nods his head and pulls out his phone.

"Yeah right. Also, Ella I'm going to watch your boyfriend fight tomorrow." Louis tells me and I almost get whiplash.

"What? He's fighting tomorrow?" I ask rather too curiously. "I mean, I don't really care it's his fault if he can't say no to his boss when he's still clearly injured."

"Is he still injured? I mean, you would know because you see more skin than us." Louis laughs and Taylor hits him. "Sorry."

"It's okay."

"You alright?" Zayn whispers in my ear and I nod my head reassuringly.

"What's the go with you two?" Taylor asks me. "You haven't spoken about him so I figured something is up."

"I'll tell you if you tell me why you've been going to the doctors."

"Oh look, we're here!" Taylor says on purpose, happily changing the topic. "My goodness it's packed already. Look at the line up."

"Are we at the right place? There's like one car and a minivan here." Zayn asks me.

"That's Ashton's van and that car I don't know who that belongs to." I point to the van that I seen at the parking lot in the party the other night.

"Yeah, that's Ashtons. He gave me a tour of it." Perrie says and I hear Zayn clear his throat from beside me. "Babe, he's a friend." Perrie shakes her head at Zayn.

"Would you like it if I looked into some girls van?"

"Babe, you spent every minute of the day with Ella, do you see me getting jealous?"

"She's my sister! You know how close we are that's different." Zayn throws his hands up. "We will talk about this more privately later."

"Good idea." Perrie snaps and crosses her arm over her chest. At times like this I am glad I am not single because Harry and I would always fight over petty little things like this too.

When we get inside the boys are on stage and shout 'hellos' and cheer. "I'm glad some people decided to show up." Ashton shouts and Perrie laughs, then receives a glare from Zayn and soon stops. "Welcome guys." He jumps off the small stage and walks towards us.

"Ella Jackson you look well." Ashton hugs me first and I can feel the sweat on his body.

"And you're very sweaty Mr Irwin. But you're cute so I'll hug you anyway." I say and he does his usual giggle which I never grow tired of hearing. This guy has a one of a kind laugh.

"Sorry about that. I'm a hard working drummer, what do you expect?" He winks at me and moves along to hug Perrie and shake Zayn's hand. I give Zayn the be nice look that you'd give your dog when you introduce it to another dog.

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