1: Incompetent, To Say the Least

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"Smartass," you hissed.

Sting, who looked completely lost and confused ( which had become normal in the seven years that you were married to him ), tried his best to explain his actions, although all you got from his "explanation" was to never leave Sting alone with Lance ever again.

• • earlier that day

You were about to open the door but your hand refused to turn the knob, and instead, you turned around to look at the two boys, obediently standing behind you, bright grins gracing their faces. Who were these two boys? You husband, Sting Eucliffe and his son, Lance.

Sting was the ( much ) taller one, with blond hair that looked spiky and was always unruly but was surprisingly soft to the touch and very fun to play with. Sting had the most attractive pair of blue eyes you had ever seen, as they were always carrying so much emotion within them. All you had to do was look into his eyes and you could tell just what he was really feeling.

Although, his eyes aren't the only attractive thing about him. Sting's form was also very admirable. He was incredibly muscular and he had this bad ( well, not really ) habit of showing off and at home, he was very comfortable with walking around in nothing but his boxers. He still had the body to do so, so...

Lance would probably be what you imagined Sting to be as a child. Lance had blond hair, like his father, although Lance's was a shade darker. Lance had your [e/c] eyes, which also had a habit of displaying what he really was feeling, much like his father.

Lance was a little chubby ( maybe because Sting and Lance were almost always seen eating together ), but it added to his charm and his cuteness. Lance was usually kept to himself and was very quiet and incredibly loving whenever he was with you, but when Sting was there, the two would cause a ruckus and, if left to their own devices, would probably end up burning the house down.

Lance really did take after his father.

The two males' grins remained on their faces and you knew that they were waiting for you to leave the house so they could start making a mess and having fun. That was why you hesitated and thought it over countless times in your head: was it really a good idea to leave Sting along with Lance?

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" you asked Sting for the millionth time that day.

"Of course I will!" was Sting's confident reply, Lance nodded in agreement, and that only increased your worries, "Just have fun, okay?"

"And food!" Lance exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Sting agreed, his eyes lighting up at the mere thought of food, "Bring us back some food too! Please? There, I said 'please', now you have to do what I say!"

You rolled your eyes, forgetting about your worries for a split-second, "Yeah, yeah. I'll bring you guys food, in return, make sure I don't come home to a pile of rubble and ash, 'kay?"


So, with great uncertainty, you left the house, which meant Sting and Lance were in charge of making sure the house wouldn't burn to ashes. When you were gone, Sting immediately faced Lance and the two boys had a silent understanding...

...before they proceeded with their plans for the day.

• • time skip

After running some errands, and dilly-dallying for a while, you decided it was high time to head back home so that you could check on Sting and Lance. Just outside the door of your house ( which miraculoudly managed to remain in one piece ), you heard the sound of crying, making you panic.

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