7 : Grow Old With You

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"Excuse me, young miss," an old voice gently called out, "do you happen to know where the train station is?"

You smiled warmly, extending an arm to the direction of Magnolia's train station. "Just walk in that direction and you're bound to come across it."

The old woman that approached smiled graciously, her face wrinkling around her eyes. "Oh, thank you, young miss! And, if I may ask, is that young man over there your boyfriend?"

"Husband," you corrected, and the old woman smiled shyly at her mistake, "of seven years actually. Still going strong. The kid's our son: Lance."

You nodded at the old man standing a few feet behind the old woman. He wore a hat, probably to cover his balding head, and he was staring at the dusty, old road with a sour look on his face.

"I assume he's yours?" you asked.

She nodded, "Thirty-eight years, dear."

"Hurry up, Ellie! It's already dark, and I don't want to stay out any longer!" the old woman, Ellie's husband exclaimed gruffly, shoving his hands into his pockets, becoming more and more irate by the minute.

"I need to go now, dear," Ellie said, "thank you once again!"

"I can walk you and your husband to the train station if you want," you offered. Ellie, who was trying to catch up to her husband, quickly spun around and flashed another one of her aged smiles.

"I appreciate the offer, dear," she responded, "but I wouldn't want to take you away from your husband."

Ellie's smile morphed into one of a little mischief. "He's a keeper, I can tell."

Ellie ran towards her husband, who was more than a few paces ahead of her; and, slowly, the old couple vanished into the darkness.

You looked at Sting, who carried Lance on his shoulders, and the two boys were looking up at the stars with wonder. Their mouths were slightly open, maintaining the soothing silence that wrapped around the old path you walked on.

"Oi, Lance," Sting says.

"Yeah, Daddy?"

Sting began walking again, at a slow pace, his hands firmly holding Lance's legs in place as he continued gazing at the glowing dots that littered the night sky.

"Lemme tell you something," Sting began, "one of these days, Lance, you're going to find a very special girl. And to you, that special girl, is prettier than all the stars combined."

"Even prettier than the prettiest, shiniest star, Daddy?" Lance questioned, enthralled by his father's little spin on love.

Sting nodded, "Yup."

"Is Mommy your special girl?" Lance asked, looking at you briefly before fixing his gaze at the back of Sting's head.

Sting nodded again, more enthusiastically this time. "I still think she's prettier than all these stars combined."

"Daddy, what's it like to love somebody like you love Mommy?" Lance asked, the night sky completely forgotten by now.

Sting looked down at the dust and the rocks for an answer, choosing his words very carefully. Probably to look like a god of knowledge in Lance's eyes. Or to not look like the clueless retard he really was.

"I can't really put it onto words, but it's like a Nutella sandwich-"


"-because, like, even if the sandwich you're about to eat is the saddest looking thing in the world, you still accept it anyway. And you're going to keep accepting it, no matter what, because it makes you feel complete. Love is like that."

Sting looked up from the path and looked at you, before he broke out into one of the happiest grins you've ever seen him put on. You smiled back, a little astounded at Sting's little spin on love.

It made sense. At the same time, it kinda didn't.

"And Lance, one more piece of advice from me," Sting said, "when your woman tells you to go faster, you listen to her, and you go faster. And I mean, as fast as you can."

Lance, oblivious to Sting's innuendo ( which killed the moment ), nodded repeatedly, his mop of blonde hair bouncing along with him. Sting laughed.

You, on the other hand, didn't find it very funny.

You smacked your face with your own hand, shaking your head in complete disappointment, and Lance looked at you, alarmed.

"Did a bug bite your face, Mommy?" he asked.

"No, dear," you replied, "but an annoying Dragon Slayer has, in fact, been bugging me ever since I met him."

"You mean Uncle Natsu?"

"Close enough."

[ time skip ]

Lance gently shut the door to his room after yelling his goodnights, leaving you and Sting to retreat to your bedroom, where Sting was taking off his shirt.

"Remember that old couple from earlier?" he asked, "When I saw them, they kinda reminded me of us. And it made me think.."

He discarded his shirt before looking you in the eye, a serious expression taking over his face. "(Y/N), I, I want to grow old with you. I still want to wake up to your voice in the morning even if we're sixty. I know I'm still going to be madly in love with you by then."

Sting pulled you into an embrace, sighing deeply. Your heart swelled in happiness as you got a little cozy in his arms.

"You know-"

"When we're old, I'm going to have to help you take your clothes off," Sting suddenly blurted out, "wanna practice?"

x x

[ a/n ]:

this kinda focused more on the dialog

but i hope this chapter is acceptable :D

its shorter than the usual and the update came out a little late because life is being more of an asshole than usual.

and im going to back to school in two days so yay. [ i need to keep these updates coming oh my god ].

-- Acnologia_Slayer

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