4 : Worthwhile

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[ A/N ]:

im trying out a different writing style; i dont think you guys are gonna see any difference in the writing tho :/ im aiming for something smoother :D

im proud of the chapter :D

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The previously asleep male shuffled a bit, letting out a tired: "Hmm?" in the process. Responding to your call, he opened his eyes, blinking a few times so that he could adjust to the early morning light.

"Lucy, Erza and the other girls invited to go shopping," you said reluctantly, "and I told them I would think about it overnight. So, should I-?"

"You should go with them," he quickly responded, a reassuring smile on his face, "you rarely go out now, y'know? Staying at home is bad."

Your eyebrows knotted together as you thought about it carefully. Would it really be a good idea to leave Sting in favor of your friends? You wanted to bring Sting with you, but then Lance would be left alone at the house; and there was always the chance that Sting would get bored having to follow you around.

While several scenarios had occupied your mind, Sting yawned, quickly wiping away the tears that pricked his eyes afterwards.

"I'll be fine here, (Y/N), I swear," he said, "just—have fun with the girls and-"

"What?" you quickly interjected, "Bring you back some food or something?"

A wide smile crept onto Sting's face as he pulled you towards him, smothering you with his love in the process. You couldn't help but giggle at his displays of affection, not wanting to wriggle out of his vice-like grip just yet.

"Ah—what an amazing, beautiful wife I have!"

» time skip

Not wanting the girls to wait on you, you immediately showered and changed into the first set of casual, but decent, set of clothing you could find. In front of the mirror, you looked over your choice of clothing and smile to yourself, adjusting it slightly to make it more comfortable.

Suddenly, a pair of arms made its way around your waist and slowly lifted you above the ground. You let out a shocked squeak, smacking Sting's forearm to try and get him to let go; the Dragon Slayer didn't even flinch. Sting merely laughed, spinning you around in half-circles.

"Goddamnit, Sting!" you exclaimed, exasperated, but even then, you couldn't deny the warm feeling that surged throughout your body, or the happiness that you felt, when you had seen Sting laugh childishly.

Sting let out one last snicker before he finally set you back down on the ground, you shot him a glare, in a pathetic way to reprimand him—of course, you failed. The toothy grin on his face had the power to make your anger and frustration fade away in a matter of seconds.

"Are you mad at me for being happy?" he whined, a pout on his face.

"No," was your immediate reply, as you adjusted your top, since Sting had crumpled it up while he spun you around like a damn kids' toy.

"You can't blame me, (Y/N)!" he reasoned out, "It's your fault, anyway! You make me happy!"

There goes that warm feeling again. Damn you, heart. Damn you.

"I know. You make me really happy too," you responded. You got on your tiptoes, trying to minimize the height gap as much as possible and you gave him a kiss on his soft, enticing lips. He responded enthusiastically, using his muscular arms to pull you closer.

Sting pulled away, sprinkling your face and neck with even more kisses, occasionally nibbling on your skin just for the hell of it; it wasn't really nibbling, it was just Sting's canines poking at you.

"I love you."

You sighed in satisfaction, relaxing into his touch, the hangout with the girls ( which was all you were previously babbling about ) now on the back of your mind.

Every kiss, every time his lips would come into contact with your skin, or when his fangs would poke at your skin reminded you of just how much Sting was hopelessly in love with you. Every time his fingers would accidentally brush against your skin had you sighing beneath him as you silently pushed him on.

Sting continued his act for a few more minutes, finally ceasing right before things became a bit too—intimate for the early hours of the morning.

"Hey.." he gently breathed, panting slightly after the vigorous activity—you were doing the same.

"Hmm?" you responded, suddenly feeling drained, as the hangout with the girls suddenly came back to you. With newfound energy, your eyes widened, and you were back to bouncing around like a two year old. "Damn! The hangout! I almost forgot!"

After giving Sting ( yet another ) goodbye kiss, you dashed out of the house; Sting watched your retreating form, a gentle smile on his face as he thought to himself:

Ah—what an amazing, beautiful wife I have.

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