8 : Dem Biceps

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"I did not wake up at five in the god. Damn. Morning for this," you grumbled, immediately gagging when the vehicle suddenly jolted upwards.

Sting whined in agreement, as distraught as the other Dragon Slayers on board. His head rested on your lap, but it offered little comfort against the nausea he was battling.

The Dragon Slayers ( and Gray ) on one side, and the rest of the girls on the other — that was the seating arrangement, that is, until Natsu nearly threw up on you. Thankfully, Natsu's incessant gagging warned you, and you moved to another spot just before he let loose on the empty seat.

Now, Natsu was sitting by the window, just as miserable, and the other Dragon Slayers were scattered everywhere, a gap of at least two chairs in between them. Gray was moved to the spot next to Erza — Juvia lost it.

"There's atleast an hour until we arrive," Erza announced, and from a mile away, you could hear the discontented chorus of groans that were produced by none other than the queasy Dragon Slayers.

» time skip

You cleared your throat, looking up at the elevated building. The beach house stood a grand three stories and it was situated on top of a hill, a path of polished, dark stone stairs winding upwards.

The girls were the first to take a step on the stairs, slowly making their way up. The stairs were dry and hard, a result of baking in the sun for so long. The exceeds flapped their wings and raced each other to the beach house, eager to  escape the sun's scorching grasp.

Upon reaching the hilltop, you were able to get a much clearer view of the building.

The first floor was void of any walls, instead boasting four great, stone pillars that kept the building standing. The floor was made of several hundred small stones that were made to form an intricate kaleidoscope of ocean blue rings. It probably served as a patio of sorts, already, there were a few chairs scattered about.

The girls traveled up another staircase, much shorter, and the second floor finally came into view; which was where the kitchen, the bathrooms, and the living room were located.

Another flight of stairs, and you were at the third story, where two large rooms were built — one for the boys and one for the girls.

"Guys! Look!" Wendy exclaimed. She led the remaining girls out to the large balcony that overlooked the beautiful, crystal waters of the beach. From up there, the boys were much tinier.

You smiled at the niceness of it all.

Slowly, your hands went up to your mouth, cupping around it as you took a deep breath. "Boys!" They immediately turned to look. "Get your asses, and our stuff up there!"

They stood up, carried what they could, and began their long trek up the stairs. With the amount of luggage, the boys took several trips before everything was finally inside the house ( and there was still the matter of unpacking ).

By the second trip, all of their shirts were gone, thrown carelessly on the nearest piece of furniture. You focused on Sting's half-naked figure, smiling subtly whenever you saw those gorgeous muscles of his flex.

And those biceps - MY GOD.

» time skip 

For a second, the sun's intense glare weakened, before returning to its brilliance. A sudden gust of cool, humid air lashed at the [f/c] sundress that you wore, and you had to hold it down with your hands. Your hair flew around mildly, but you bore with it, waiting for the winds to die down.

"That's where you are," Sting said softly.

You turned your head to the side, meeting's Sting's eyes. In contrast to his nearly-bare state earlier, a navy blue shirt hung, a bit loosely, around his figure.

"I thought you were sleeping, like the other boys," you said. After scarfing down several platefuls of food, they passed out in various places of the house ( somehow, Gray ended up on the balcony ).

"I was planning to nap the afternoon away, but I couldn't find you," he said, "so I ended up looking for you."

You giggled, and Sting took the chance to approach you. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. His lips grazed the skin of your cheek, before he shyly planted a kiss.

"I love you," he whispered.

You beamed, responding with a few kisses of your own.

» time skip 

"I bet the boys are looking at girls in swimsuits right now."

In your pajamas, the girls formed a loose circle, planning to gossip the night away. The girls looked at you, and you mouthed a 'What?'

"Their room's next to ours," Lucy reminded you, "I don't think they would do anything like that when we're right here."

You smirked. "Wanna bet?"

The same fire of excitement filled Lucy's eyes, and she shot back a smirk of her own. "What are we betting on?"

"Loser makes breakfast by themselves."


The room fell silent, watching, entertained by the challenge you had set forth. You looked at the wall separating the boys' rooms and yours.

"Look at dem titties!"

You laughed. At least you knew who was making breakfast tomorrow.

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