6 : Even If..

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[ a/n ]:

im using a laptop so please forgive the change in format i had to update goddamnit. this is better than nothing i suppose.

also im sick which is probably why this chapter came out bad.

x x

"I can't hold it in any longer," Lisanna declared, causing you to turn towards her in confusion, wondering just what she was referring to, "I have an announcement to make!"

"Please don't tell me you're pregnant-"

The confusion that was draped all over your face just moments ago left just as quickly as it came, taking over Lisanna's expression instead. Then, she laughed, covering her mouth to try and hide her amusement. She failed to do so.

"Of course I'm not pregnant!" she exclaimed, and you sighed, not knowing if you were supposed to feel relieved, or disappointed. 

The sigh, that contained neither feeling soon got caught up and swept away by the air, just like the conversation you and the girls were having. 

It was just talking, and the occasional, quick sip of the cold drink, an eagerness to talk burning brightly in several pairs of orbs, all very different colors; [e/c] was one of them. And its owner was probably the most eager out of the band of young, teenage girls.

"Hah?! Again?!" you exclaimed, "What's the occasion this time? The Season's already come and gone."

"You don't need to be sexually frustrated to go on a vacation, (Y/N)," Lisanna countered, "Mira's already planned everything out."

Lisanna winked, "And if I were you, I think it'd be best if Lance doesn't come along--considering what you and Sting were up to last time."

Your mouth was wide open, a dark red quickly coloring your cheeks. The girls all laughed, while Wendy turned to each of your faces, feeling a bit neglected at the fact she was left out of the joke. She didn't need to know.

"What's so funny?" Wendy asked.


After their laughing fit had ended, Erza looked you in the eye. "Anyway, are you coming with us or not? It's only gonna be for a week."

"Fine," you said, "I'm going with you to the goddamn beach house."

[ time skip ]

With your cozy house in sight, you quickened your pace, eager to get back to your "rays of sunshine". At the door, you were about to open it, only to hear a grunt from inside.

"Are you ready, Lance?"


"Yeah, daddy."

"Alright, then."


"Daddy, put it in already! I can't wait any longer!"

"Demanding, aren't you?"

Another silence.

"Faster, daddy!"

"I'm almost there, Lance."


There was a high-pitched scream coming from Lance, and you quickly opened the door, wondering just what the hell they were doing.



Again, you found yourself open-mouthed at the scene before you: Sting was standing on a chair, and Lance was on the floor, a glass jar with a--

Spider inside.

"Oh my God, put that thing outside right now!" you demanded.

Doing as you asked, Sting got the jar from a terrified Lance and walked out the door, whistling. Lance, on the other hand, ran towards you, embracing your legs. The young boy was shaking slightly, and you took it upon yourself to gently lift him up, wrapping your arms around him.

"You're back!" Lance exclaimed, forcing a smile despite his fear. You gently kissed his forehead, petting his hair.

"Yup, I'm back. Wanna eat some sandwiches?" you offered, and Lance shook his head. You turned to the doorway, where Sting was leaning against the sturdy material, the empty jar in his hand.

"No thanks," he answered, "I'm good, too."

You raised your eyebrow in questioning, his lie painfully obvious. Sting wore a blank expression, hoping you wouldn't catch on. He didn't think you were that dumb, did he?

"Okay, then," you played along, just to get some entertainment out of it, "I'm extra hungry, so I guess I'll pull out some ice cream as well-"

From the corner of your eye, you could see Sting's facial expression, which had become that look you would always wear whenever you would shamelessly show just how hungry you were.

Sting licked his lips, and he visibly held himself back, staring intently at the empty glass jar that he held. He was too obvious.


"Oh look, I'm hungry now!"

You shook your head, making your way to the kitchen, passing by the mess Sting and Lance made while you were gone. You cringed internally, telling yourself that you were going to clean their mess up after eating.

Taking out the necessary ingredients for the sandwiches, you began to make them, spreading the chocolate all over the bread's porous surface, just the way you three liked it.

You took occasional glances at Sting and Lance, and they looked hungrier by the minute. You laughed to yourself. They were, indeed, your precious "rays of sunshine".

Even if they would get themselves into trouble during their spare time. Even if they would argue over trivial matters. Even if Sting acted Lance's age. Even if Lance was selfish. There were so many more "even ifs".

But, you loved those two. And all their "even ifs".

[ time skip ]

Sting's head was on your shoulder, his sandwich in hand, and a bowl of ice cream on his shoulder. He would kiss your lips, and take a portion of your sandwich before quickly putting it into his mouth.

You would glare at him, and he would promise that he wouldn't do it again. Only to do it a few minutes later. Lance was asleep in his room, which was probably why Sting was being extra touchy-feely.

Suddenly, a spoon overloaded with ice cream hovered in front of your mouth, and you looked at it as if it was a foreign object.

"Open your mouth," he said softly.

You looked at him, and he sighed. "I'm trying to pay you back for the large portion of sandwich that I took, okay?"

Reluctantly, you opened your mouth, and allowed Sting to place the spoon inside your mouth. After savoring the coldness and the sweetness, Sting took the spoon out, and he kissed you.

When he pulled away, he flashed a toothy grin, so typical of him. "There was some ice cream on your lips!"

You rolled your eyes, and proceeded to talk, your eyes on Sting's nose, where Nutella was smeared. "Oh yeah--the girls from Fairy Tail invited the both of us to another beach house. And I agreed--by the way, there's Nutella on your nose."

"Would you like to kiss it off?"

You slapped his arm, telling him to clean it himself. Using his hand, Sting rid his nose of the Nutella.

"Is Lance going?"

"Probably not. Wendy agreed to watch him while we were away."

There goes his toothy grin again. This time, it was one of mischief and lust, and you already knew what he was thinking.


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