12 : Sandy Marshmallows

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Hastily, Erza picked up the platter of marshmallows and lifted them out of reach just before Natsu was going to grab a handful of them with his hands, which were coated in sand.

Natsu cursed, and Erza openly cringed at Natsu's horrible manners. Erza walked away, carrying the tray with a firm grip, shaking her head and grumbling things under her breath. Natsu wandered off in the opposite direction, joining Gray and Gajeel, who were busy downing a mug of booze.

Natsu spoke a few words, but Gray and Gajeel were busy cackling, cheeks pink from the alcohol to notice him. Natsu poured himself some beer, doing a sloppy job as some of it overflowed and was quickly absorbed into the ground. Four drinks later, Natsu lost himself to the false ecstasy brought about by the alcohol in his system.

"Hey, (Y/N), could you help us out over here?" Erza asked politely. You nodded, taking brisk steps towards the girls, who were hard at work trying to ignite a fire.

"I still don't understand the point of lighting a campfire, " Lucy whined, a poorly-folded paper fan in one of her hands, the other struggling to tie her hair up into a ponytail. "I mean - we can just eat the marshmallows as they are."

"Come on, Luce! Don't be such a bummer!" Lisanna answered, to which Lucy answered with a 'hmph'.

Lisanna smiled, before she turned to you, gesturing to the cluster of firewood and a few dead leaves where the fire was supposed to be. With a soundless snap, there was a crackle and a fire suddenly burst to life, and Lisanna suddenly staggered back.

Erza thanked you, before you returned to your spot on an uprooted trunk, and Sting joined you, still ( surprisingly ) sober.

He slid an arm around your shoulder, moving in to kiss you on the cheek. Your head did somersaults at the affectionate gesture.

Erza, Lucy and Lisanna retired to their own spots on another uprooted trunk, where Mirajane waited with towels and words of praise. Light conversation carried out, except for the occasional guffaw from either of the three boys who were drunk beyond words. Even their laughs drawled out.

» time skip

Natsu got up, yelling a declaration of sorts, before he strutted towards the fire, staggering every few seconds. Immediately, both Lucy and Erza stood up and rushed to stop Natsu from killing the fire, or ruining the marshmallows, which were cooking in the flames.

With one very sandy hand, Natsu reached out for one of the marshmallows, grinning mischievously.

A moment later, the burnt, shaky wood fell apart, and the fire shrunk and the marshmallows all fell to the sand, except for one which landed right at the heart of the flame.

Lucy cried out in horror, Erza marched up to Natsu and bonked him upside the head and Lisanna had her hand pressed up to her mouth, gasping.

"God damn it, Natsu!"

You snorted, and Sting snickered beside you, and both you and he observed the rest of the scene play out, from your spot on the damp tree trunk, away from the mess of sandy marshmallows, and away from the others, who were beginning to run wild.

Sting's hand traveled down to your upper back, lingering there, enjoying the front-row view of Erza clutching Natsu's collar tightly, shaking the unconscious Dragon Slayer like a carton of milk.

x x 

[ a/n ]:

again, i would like to apologize for the recent, re-occurring theme of incredibly short chapters, trust me, i am not doing this on purpose.

but anywho, the next chapter's gonna be a special one ;) [ and this time it won't consist of 500 fucking words smh ]

- Acnologia_Slayer

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