9 : Fish Equals Meat

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[ a/n ]:

heads up

my exams start on Monday which is why my updates are completely out of the place. but do enjoy the extra long chapter I prepared for y'all :D

Lots of love from me!

~ Acnologia_Slayer

x x

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sting growled, his cheerfulness from earlier vanishing into thin air.

The familiar mop of cherry-red hair, a pair of mischievous green eyes, and an egotistical snarl — Havoc.

The room silenced, recognizing the hostility the two males were shamelessly displaying. Your eyes traveled between the two males worriedly, praying that they weren't going to turn this into something physical.

Lucy, who stood a few feet away from Sting, resumed cooking omelettes for breakfast, the hot oil sizzling loudly as the scent of cooked food wafted through the air.

"The guys invited me," he said smoothly, "got a problem with that, Eucliffe?"

Lucy abandoned her post in front of the pan and muttered a soft 'Excuse me' as she made herself as small as possible, slipping through the gap between the two.

She picked a clean plate and made her way back to the pan, yelping when the oil popped. Lucy set down the plate on the kitchen counter, ready to transfer the cooked eggs to the plate.

"Might wanna keep them cooking for a bit longer, Luce," Havoc suggested, offering a smile.

Natsu glared at Havoc from behind. Lucy nodded obediently, lowering the temperature to 'Simmer'.

"What do you know about making omelettes?" Sting questioned.

Havoc turned back to him, and he smirked pointedly. "I'd like to ask you the same thing. Inexperienced pricks like you have no patience, and you take things too fast. You take when it's still new."

Sting scoffed. "And what about you? You just wait too long, not actually doing anything — leaving 'inexperienced pricks' like me to take from right under your nose."

Everyone in the room wondered if they were still talking about omelettes at that point.


Lucy yelped, the plate of newly-cooked omelettes nearly falling off her palms when Sting and Havoc turned to her with such synchronization, it was unnerving.

"What?" they said, again, in perfect sync.

"Breakfast's ready," she said with a shaky tone, as if they were going to eat her, and not the meal she spent almost an hour to prepare.

With the way Sting and Havoc looked down at her, you couldn't really blame Lucy for being so scared.

Natsu cheered and hopped onto the nearest chair, making it creak under the sudden weight, as the rest followed after him. Sting and Havoc shot each other one last look before Sting slipped into the chair next to you.

Thankfully, the almost-fight was never brought up after the meal, and the casual atmosphere from before was welcomed into the room once again.

» time skip

"Impossible. . .how could this have happened?!" "Just when we thought we could have a break, another problem comes!"

Natsu was on all fours, pounding at the floor desperately. He looked as if his soul had left his body. The other boys, with the exception of Havoc ( who sipped an icy glass of juice while looking at the members of his own gender in amusement ), were sprawled out on the floor, listless and groaning.

Timeless [Sting X Reader] || Third BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora