24 : Sentence ; Part 6

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Decidedly, it was on a particularly cool afternoon in the early days of October, inside the walls of your house, when the games of tag lost their charm that Lance had performed his first magic trick; it was nothing to preach about, nothing that could cause the opponent to fall into a pressured, panicked sweat, it would instead puff them up at their effortless superiority in ability; it's only a small orb of light that dances and bows on the stage of Lance's palm, something Sting could do pocketfuls of seconds faster, and more than once it threatens to mute and blink out into nonexistence, though Lance sweats and grunts to keep the small ball of light, a trophy for his efforts, spinning and beaming on his palm- it lacks the charm that's brought by practice, but Lance makes up for it with his proud grin and his eyes, that twinkle universes brighter than the light he nurtures in his hand.

[a/n]: it's much harder than you think to cramp all of that into one sentence and i fear i may have broken at least one rule of proper punctuation with this ridiculous endeavor but eh, i'm having fun :D

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