10 : Saltwater Scent

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[ a/n ]:

i literally had to use google to find a decent idea for this chapter god damn it-

and no i did not rip this off of google i s2g i was just scrolling through some fluff ideas and this struck me.


"Ugh! I can still smell the saltwater in my hair!" Lucy whines in a high-pitched tone, a fistful of hair in front of her nose as she takes another whiff. Her face looked as if she was presented with a platter of mud and was expected to eat it.

For once, you actually agreed with something she said ; but you were still irked ( greatly ) by her pitiful methods of attracting attention. As if it wasn't enough that she already ostentatiously displaying her boobs for the whole world to ogle at.

You yourself still reeked of saltwater, even after taking a long and refreshing bath, and you still felt the burn from exposing your skin to the sun for too long. You prayed that the sunblock you applied to your skin would stay true to "100% protection from UV rays" as was stated on the label.

Apparently, everyone felt the same way - even Natsu, who had a limitless stock of energy, was draped across a couch, struggling to keep his eyes open.

This time, neither Mirajane nor Erza proposed any plans, choosing to, instead, relax and unwind along with the lot of us.

Upon returning from the afternoon-long trip to the ocean, everyone's zest seemed to slip away like the daylight. You claimed a sofa for you and Sting, marking it by tossing a damp, equally salty towel onto one of the cushions ( and when you removed the towel later on, you noticed a large circle of water that had leaked from the fabric ).

You were immensely grateful for the lack of activity, and decided to spend your evening with your head on Sting's shoulder, overwhelmed by his saltwater scent, all the while thinking of ways to get Lucy to shut up.

"Who wants some snacks?" Mirajane asks, lifting up two platefuls of cookies. Immediately, the room's somber mood was lifted, and Natsu rocketed out of the couch, given the privilege of having the first bite.

Upon seeing Natsu's face light up, everyone else collected whatever stamina they had left, and soon enough, they began crowding around Mirajane, who retained her pleasant smile, which was just as sweet as the cookies she baked. You and your blond husband were among the people that crowded her.

You and Sting returned to your claimed couch with a total haul of seven and a half cookies, which were split two-and-a-half to five ( Sting got the five cookies, the little fucker ).

You, of course, were pissed at the unfair bargain, so, when Sting was down to his last cookie, you greedily snatched it from him, stuffing half of it in your mouth, shooting him a smug look.

You began chewing, feeling rather proud of yourself, when Sting, in a desperate attempt to have one last bite of Mira's ( flawless ) baking, latched onto the other half of the cookie that wasn't already in your mouth.

The cookie, which was particularly small, left Sting little to no space, and your lips collided instantly ; the cookie, now coated in two different kinds of saliva, serving as the fine line between an accidental kiss and a not-so accidental, sultry make-out session.

Flustered, you bit off a large chunk of the cookie and pulled away, nearly choking when you saw Sting throw you a sideward wink, licking his lips free of any remaining cookie crumbs.

Suddenly, and rather uncharacteristically, you wished your lips were on his again.


[ a/n ]:

okay my god this was short im really sorry and you're probably shaking your heads over there in disappointment that i gave you this mess-that-i-will-call-a-chapter


LOTS OF LOVE FROM ME, Little Miss Author-Who-Can't-Keep-Up-With-Her-Goddamn-Update-Schedule,

- Acnologia_Slayer

[ ily guys pls enjoy the chapter and i bet y'all know what's gonna happen next ;) ]

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