Chapter 4

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Justin stays quite and walks off. I follow him as he runs through the full lot probably to prevent from getting mobbed or something. We stop in front of a black corvette.

"This is yours?'' I ask disbelief clear in my voice.

"Uh yeah." He scoffs like he is offended I didn't know.

"Where are we going?" I ask again. I really want to know where he is taking me.

"Well since you are going to be living with the crew for like a year or so you should meet them. Also to find somewhere to sleep." Justin says as he unlocks the car and we hop in. He starts the car an it roars to life.

"Oh okay" I answer simply and we take off.

About 15 minutes later of a awkward silence with me looking at him then looking down when he'd look at me.

"Were here." He announces an stops the car and hops out really quick like he wanted to get away from me. Rude.

I look outside and there is a big white house in front of me. It looks more like a mansion.

"Come on" Justin's says impatiently.

I almost forget that I'm still sitting in his Corvette. I get out real quick and head to Justin.

He unlocks the door and yells "MOMMY!" when we see a young petite frame in front of us. He grabs her up into a bear hug and spins her around.

"Woah Justin!" She giggles. Her eyes finally settle on me. "Who's this?" She asked cocking a brow.

"I'm Macy Frank it's nice to meet you..?" I say shacking her hand "Just call me Pattie." She said finishing my sentence. "it's nice to meet you to sweetie."

"So what brings you two here?" She asks after a couple of beats of silence.

"I'm Justin's opening act." I say and smile at Pattie.

"Really? that's insane. You must be crazy talented because not just anyone it's the opportunity to open for Justin. I'm not being biased or rude or anything it's just the Scooter is hard to win over." She said she looks surprised.

"I've heard her sing mom. She sings crazy good. After the Believe Tour I think she'll make it big once she gets out there" Justin tells his mom. My heart warms at his compliment.

"Really now? well your going to have to sing for me sometime."

"Of course." I say politely with a smile.

"Okay well..." She begins clapping her hands together once. "I'm going to get dinner ready. You kids hungry?"

"Yes." Me and Justin answer at the same time.

"Make your self at home." She looks at her phone when it beeps. "Oh and Justin, Alfredo is headed over to meet Macy. Scooter texted him." She said holding her phone up rolling her eyes playfully.

"K" Justin answers simply.

I now take the time to look around the house. The white walls have some family portraits in them. When you look up there's a medium sizes chandelier. Book shelves on either side of the hall way. It's a really cute house. Well entrance.

"Coming?" Justin asked breaking me out of my trance.

"Yeah. where we going?"

He leads me threw the house an threw a back door.

"You play?" He asks pointing to a basketball court.

"Hell yes I do." I say

"Let's do this!" Justin yells.

Love Me Like You Do--Justin Bieber FanficWhere stories live. Discover now