Chapter 11

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I wake up and fell arms wrapped around me and nearly freak out until I remember everything from yesterday. I smile wide it honestly fills like years instead of just yesterday.

I reach over to my dresser to pick up my phone '7:45' it reads and I know we have to start getting up. Today is the big day.

I try to wiggle out of his grip but he just won't let go. When I nearly break free he grunts and pulls me closer.

"Justin." I whisper. He doesn't answer. "Justin!" I yell I am not playing this game.

"What?" he whines.

"We have to get up." I said but he did the opposite and snuggled closer.

"Five more minutes." He complains. I roll my eyes and push his arms of me I'm not gonna be late on my first official day.

"Okay fine, you can stay in bed and I'll get ready." I throw my legs over the side of the bed and plop my feet down.

"No stay with me!" He comes reaching up and grabbing air resembling a large baby.

"Nah I'm good!" I said and walk slowly to my suitcase rubbing my eyes. I pick out a half crop top that says 'bitches be tripping' that shows my belly bottom infinity sign piercing. My super tight dark blue skinny jeans with diamond designs on the butt pockets. Black boots with a cotton border about 4 inches high. I walk to the tiny little bathroom and slip my silver hoop nose ring in. My makeup to the minimum with eyeliner and mascara and a bit of concealer to cover the pimple forming on my forehead. I straighten my hair then put it in a high pony tail.

Once I'm done I walk out to see Justin shirtless and I swear my jaw hits the floor faster than the Titanic sank. I know my eyes are the size of quarters by now. Thank God he wasn't facing me. I watch as his back muscles contrast and flex as he bins over to pick up his red shirt. I bite my lip and I have to restrain myself to not pounce on him.

"Like what you see?" He asks and I blush because I didn't even realize he turned around since I was deep in thought.

"Uh what are you talking about?" I stuttered looking around the room to not make eye contact.

"Don't be embarrassed, I like the way you look to." He said taking two strides to get to me and wrapping his arms around my waist and I put my hands on his chest. He kisses my forehead sweetly and I can't help but smile.

"Ready for the concert?" I ask

"I was born ready sweetheart" he said laughing at himself.

"I'm sure." I said laughing with him.

Just then his phone rings breaking the sweet moment. He grunts and let's go of me to take out his iPhone.

"Hello?" Justin said waiting for the reply and I just sort of sit there awkwardly.

"Yeah" he answers. I pick at my nails while he finishes the conversation I don't care to listen to any longer. Justin is on the phone for another five minutes before he says "yeah we will be there bye." I look up at him.

"That was scooter he wants us there in 10 minutes." He says grabbing his keys and quickly usher me out the door before he finishes. "And we have a interview with Ellen tomorrow at 3:00pm."

"That's exciting!" I say and hurry inside of the car.

"I know she is always tons of fun to interview with." He says before buckling his seat belt and speeding off.

"Are you ready?" He asks trying to start conversation.

"As I'll always be." I say confidentially. "whats it like?" I ask I don't want any surprises.

"It's a total rush. My Beliebers are so loud like total mind blowing experience every time." He says. I smile at the fact that he says 'my beliebers'

"How long am I staying on the Tour?" I ask sorry of dreading the answer.

"For the American part of the Tour, and maybe part or Mexico and Canada." He says and I just nod. "Don't worry it's 5 months long." (a/n that time period is made up.)

"Okay" I say and he comes to a stop at the Arena.

We open the door quickly and are over come by fans screaming and paparazzi's cameras flashing. Justin puts his hand on the smile of my back to guide me threw warming my insides.

"We love you Justin!" All the fans yell. He gives them all a charming smile before Kenny came out to help us threw the crowd.

"Who is she?" "What are you doing with her?" "Are you guys dating?" was coming from all directions before Justin whispers in my ear "Just ignore them for now we will announce our relationship on Ellen tomorrow if you want." I nod once and the double doors are opened for us.

Backstage is crazy and employees running around everywhere. "Macy! Justin!" We here Scooter yell from in front of us and we head that way.

"Okay you guys this is the first show of the Believe Tour let's rock this okay. Go get ready Justin your dressing room is the left,Macy yours is on the right. The makeup and clothing designer is already there and Macy you have some visitors." Scooters says before Justin is ushered off before I could say goodbye. I sign and open the door.

"Macy!" Ariana, Victoria,Brittany and Zendaya yell at me at the same time.

"Guys!" I yell back and sit on the fluffy couch.

"Okay I'm not going to beat around the bush, Who are you dating?" Ariana asked excitedly

"Okay you have to keep calm understand?" I ask and they all nod there heads excitedly. "okay me and Justin are dating." I say and there is a eerie silence before the room is filled with high pitch squeals.

"No way really?" They ask


"Omg that is so exciting! what happened?"

"Well yesterday I say Selena and him practically dry humping and I obviously was heartbroken, I guess I was just hiding my feelings from myself and that was what it took to show it. Well anyways about 15 minutes later he comes running out and full on kisses me." I said

Zendaya interrupted me and said "wait, wait, wait he just kissed you?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yeah pretty much. After about a minute i remembered he had a girlfriend and pushed him away. He told me he dumped Selena in the club and then one thing lead to another then he asked me out." I finish and the girls squeal again.

"Okay okay enough squealing" I said laughing.

They where about to rebuttal before the hair and make up person came in and said "i have to began on you." She said

"Okay" I say hopping in to the talk spiny chair.

"Macy well see you later we have to go warm up and practice. Dancers and all" Brittany explained

"Okay lovey see you guys later." I said and waved bye.

Once they walked out the lady began to puff and cover my skin in makeup. My hair being curled and bobby pinned. After thirty minutes of this she turns me around to look at my reflection. What I see dose not even look like me.

My eyes look wide and very green and full of life due to the makeup and excitement. My full lips the perfect shade of pink. My hair pulled in perfect, elegant curls. I poke my far to make sure it's really me. I can hear the lady chuckle behind me.

"Thank you so much." I said smiling at her.

"No problem. Good luck tonight. Oh an you can just were your clothes you have on. Very fashionable Macy." She compliments

"Thank you." I say before she walks out . I look at the wall clock and it says '7:30' five minutes to show time. 'Dear God give me strength.' I pray silently before opening the door and here silent gasps.




Love Me Like You Do--Justin Bieber FanficWhere stories live. Discover now