Chapter 13

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I wake to the sound of my phone ringing I pick it up and it is 3:00 AM. I peek over at Justin laying next to me and find he is still sleeping. I quickly answer.

"Hello" I croak into the phone then clear my throat.

"Macy! I miss you." I hear a slurred voice on the other end.

"Mom is that you?" I ask. That women hasn't been drunk for 4 months now after her DUI.

"Baby of course it's me!'' she giggles

"Mom are you drunk?" I ask leaning up into my elbow.

I hear loud laughing on the other end. "No! I'm Kate."she answers. Jesus Christ women

"How much did you drink?" I ask throwing my head back dramatically.

"Ummm what's 5 plus 6 ?" she asks in a strange way

"Really mom you had 11 drinks of what and why?" I might sound like her mom right now but someone has to look after that women.

"Just vodka darling. Because I miss you and you brother is acting up." she answer in a whinny voice

"Where is Mike?" I ask and groan I am to tired for this

"But babbbbbyyyy I miss you.'' she complains again

"Mom shut up okay. where is my brother?" I ask and I feel Justin stir next to me. I stiffen up and look over at him. thankfully he just mumbles and flips over.

"He's sleeping I think. but I'm not sure he is never tells me where he is going and has been acting up since you left. why haven't you been texting me young lady?"

I groan and roll my eyes "mom I will call you back later when you make sense and you are sober. I will call Mike later too. just go to bed and I need to go back to bed to."

"But--" she begins

"Love You" I say cutting her off and hang up before she could answer.

I groan again and lean back in the headboard what the hell is going on with that women.

I fill Justin touch my hand. "you okay baby?" he asks in a deep raspy voice due to tiredness.

"Yeah I'm fine. there's nothing to worry about. let's just get back to bed." I whisper and pull myself back down onto the pillow and flip over to look at Justin.

He looks at me unconvinced but decides to drop it.

"Fine for now but tomorrow I want to know what's going on." he says sternly and grabs my hand again.

"Deal" I whisper and he kisses my hand before placing it on the pillow and I scoot a bit closer and fall back asleep to the sound of Justin's steady breathing.

** 3 hours later **

My alarm wakes me up this time and today is the day me and Justin announce us being together and I have to admit I'm a bit nervous because I was a belieber and I know how protective and mean some of them can be with a exception if a few supportive ones. I always thought those where the best.

I look over at Justin and he is already looking and he smiles at me when I make eye contact with him and I smile back sweetly.

"Morning beautiful." he says sweetly

"Good morning handsome." I smile back

"You ready for today?" he asks

"I'm not sure" I sigh and run my fingers threw my hair.

Love Me Like You Do--Justin Bieber FanficWhere stories live. Discover now