Chapter 10

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I know this is wrong to be using my own girlfriend like this but I can't help it. Something about Macy just drives me crazy. Seeing her grind on another guy pisses me off to no end, even more so since she's dancing with the gay boy from One Direction.

I see her peak of at me before she looks away and grinds slower the man facial details look pleasured.

"Let's dance" I tell Selena and her face lights up like a Christmas tree.

She places her bum on me and grinds in a teasing way. I place my hands firmly on her hips. I look over at Macy to see her grinding harder and him kiss her on the neck.

I must have squeezed Selena's hips to hard because I here he squeal and I know she too that the wrong way and turned around and kissed me full on the mouth. If I wasn't trying to make Macy jealous I would really be enjoying this, her mouth pressed hard on mine open my mouth with her tongue. I crack open my eyes to look at Macy again. She has stopped dancing turns around saying something to the fag and takes off. I push Selena off me and she gives me a bewildered look.

"The hell Justin!" she yells

"I'm sorry Selena I can't do this." I say running my fingers threw my hair.

"Are you trying to break up with me!" She yells loudly being attention to us.

"I think I am." I whisper to myself but she heard it.

"It's because of that Macy bitch isn't ? I thought I told her to stay away from you!" She yelled the last part and her eyes grew.

"What? Macy wasn't lying when she told me you said that." I say and begin to back away.

"What? uhh n-no what are you talking about?" She said and I can tell she is trying to back pedal.

"We're over Selena." I told her and ran out the door and I could hear her screaming behind the closed doors.

I wip my head around back and forth and see I figure up against a large tree. I peer a bit closer and I looks like it was a girl crying, that had to be Macy.

I run straight to the tree and I already know what I have to say, what I have been feeling and I can't hide it anymore.


I see a man running my way I begin to freak out. I stood up quickly and looked around trying to find something I could hit him with. I look back up and it's only Justin.

I wipe my tears away quickly when he approaches me. "what do you want." I croak due to my pervious crying fit.

I about asked again but I didn't have time to. He pressed his lips firmly to mine. I freeze I don't know what to do. I can't believe this is happening.

"Kiss me back" he said against my mouth.

He pushes his lips against mine harder practically begging for a response. I finally kiss him back. I open my mouth for him the tinniest fraction of a centimeter and he takes that opportunity quickly. Our tongues fighting, he wins of course. finally our lips move in perfect sync.

I suddenly pull back. What the fuck am I doing?! "What about Selena?!" I yell. I may not like that bitch but I am sure as hell not going to let me be the one to ruin a relationship due to cheating.

"I broke up with her in the club." he answers.

"What, why?" I ask they were just drying humping practically, how does that even happen.

"Because Macy" he says looking me dead in the eyes grabbing my hands, what the hell is going on. " I have Fallen for you and I don't know how. You drive me crazy and make me want me to yank my hair out--"

Love Me Like You Do--Justin Bieber FanficWhere stories live. Discover now