Chapter 14

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We went through big metal bared fences quickly through the back since a stamped was running after us carrying signs and yelling. The security slam the fences shut just in time. Girls yanking and pulling and pushing with all their might on the strong gate, loud yells bounce off the walls of the buildings.

We step out of the car, Justin turns around smirks at me and he walks to the fence where the fans are going insane.

"Justin we love you!"

"Marry me!!"

"Follow me on twitter!"

"I want to sit on Jerry!"

All of the fans yelled as he sat in front of the fence, at a far enough distance so no fans grab him, and takes a selfie.

"Love you guys, see you all soon! make sure to watch Ellen on monday." Justin yells to the fans an heads towards me grabbing onto my hand and tugs me to the heavy gray doors.

We walk through many hall ways and showed our passes so many times in sure my arm is going to fall off from lifting it so much.

We reach back stage where a makeup artist meets us and takes me and Justin to separate rooms.

The lady with weird purple hair and gold eyeliner grabs my wrist replacing Justin as he was dragged away by another makeup women.

I turn and look back at him before the doors shut and he winks at me with his sweet smile and I turn to the women.

"Hello dearly!"

"Hey" I answer weirdly as I sit down I bye talk chair.

She buffs my skin with powder cover up.

"You have nice skin honey."

"Thank you." I answer her with a kind smile.

"Mhmm" she hums as she finishes up and turns me around to look at my reflection. My eyes bright and lively thanks to the smoky eyeshadow. My cheeks have just the right amount of blush to looks natural and my eyelashes look as if they go on forever.

"Thank you miss"

"Your welcome. You look amazing." she compliments. Definitely nicer then I thought she would be.

She looks down at her watch and presses a button on her ear piece and pushes me along behind the door so we can go on the stage.

Justin shows up momentarily. "you look so beautiful Mace." he said kissing my cheeks

"As do you Justin."

He has no makeup on but he does sport different clothing. He has a purple shirt on low jeans that have him sagging and a purple hate with the gold spiky studs coming out.

When Ellen does all her dancing and introduces us we walk out and I look into the crowd and wave just as Justin does.

We reach the red love seat when our opening music stooped. Boyfriend. I know I know how ironic right?

"So Justin how's the tour going?" Ellen asks him after they hug and we shake hands.

"It's actually going pretty good. the first show was quite a success and I cannot wait for tonight's!" he smiles stunningly and multiple girls swoon.

"That's great to hear! so Macy what is it like being the opening act for THE Justin Bieber? and how did Scoot Braun and Justin find out about you?" Ellen quizzed me trying to keep a blush in check since the attention is now on me.

"Um I was pretty nervous whenever I found out because I didn't want to makes complete fool of myself in front of him but it's really fun and Justin's a great guy. And as for him finding me I had a online blog on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr for doing dares and fun stuff you know. like I have multiple followers in each thing which is insane and one day many people told me to sing. which I did and some how Scooter ended up seeing it and wanted me. it's actually all quite surreal." I said smiling at Ellen.

Love Me Like You Do--Justin Bieber FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora