Just fine! (Sad! Edd X reader)

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(Requested by @Lillythefoxgirl_)


"Hey, how ya doing?"

"Well I'm doing just fine.!"

"I lied."
"I'm dying inside."


You sighed.

Edd was having a panic attack again, you just knew it.

It was a month after Tord, or the 'red leader' had returned. A month since he was defeated.

After all the hectic month had passed, everything had really set in.

People had died, Jon, one of edd's former neighbours was dead.

Tom was hurt most severely, but Edd and Matt suffered a lot more mental pain then the physical pain Tom had gained and lost quickly.

Matt constantly flinched when you raised a hand around him, Edd would have breakdowns often and easily.

This time, it was the worst; his room was a mess, he was a mess.

In the corner of the wrecked room, you saw a shaking Edd, burying his face into his knees, sobs echoing around.


He looked up suddenly, the little British was too wrapped in misery to hear you enter.

You made your way across the room, sitting beside the male.

"(N-name)..!" He squeaked, face red and eyes bloodshot.

"Are you ok?" You said, sighing, the panic attacks and breakdowns usually happened when Matt or Tom were away, you guessed it was because he felt most safe around them.

You wrapped your arm around his tense shoulders, "Edd I hate seeing you like this.."

He shuffled closer to you, "b-but.. It's just.. I-I.." The pure, British man couldn't speak properly, he just sniffled.

You sighed again, "Edd this is happening way too often.."

"I-I.. I know.."

He leant against you and your face went red, Edd just continued to cry softly.


He looked up, staring you right in the eyes, "y-yeah..?"

"I love you.."

"I love you too.."


Honestly idk I kinda enjoyed it

Ps: crime shows are good bye

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