Yells (Matt X Abused! Reader)

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(Name) couldn't stand loud noises, they never revealed why, they never let anyone help them with it.

They'd lock themselves in their room for hours after parties, gory movies and when a voice was raised around them. Tom mainly didn't care, Edd had managed to be lied to and (name) made him believe it was nothing. Matt was told nothing. He worried, yes, but would he really let another come before his one true love; himself?

That was a no, until today. Edd had decided to throw a giant party for (name)'s birthday. Nobody had any idea about their fear.

Tom was drunk, people were shouting, cups and plates were flung around and cracked. It was truly a party.

The only sober person was Matt, sitting in the corner looking around, Edd had taken his mirror away and he was honesty too scared to do anything else.

Matt then realised (name) wasn't in sight, so, he searched. For once, they weren't in their room, which was crowded with strangers, all kissing or onto.. Other things..

He searched his own room last, finally seeing (name) in his bed, covering their face and shaking.

Matt sighed softly, stepping towards them, "(n-name)..?" He mumbled, reaching his arm out.

They immediately looked up, gasping, their eyes were bloodshot and their hair was a mess, "m-matt!"

(Name) looked flustered and tense. For once, Matt felt like he cared for someone else and with no hesitation, he sat down beside them.

They looked at him, surprised, "wh-what?"

"What's up?" His voice was soft, a whisper even, "why are you here?"

"T-there's people in my room.. A-and.. And.."

"But why are you so scared? It's only a dumb party.."

"Y-you don't know my life.."

"What do you mean, (name)?"

"You.. You just don't. You'd never understand, Matt."

He looked sad, "just tell me." Despite the story in his eyes, his voice was firm.

"I-I.." They decided slowly that they'd tell Matt, but only Matt, "I was abused as a child."

Matt might been dumb, but he knew of that word.

Before (name) could get up and leave like they wanted to, Matt had wrapped his arms around them.

(Name) let out a surprised squeak before hugging back, crying into his jumper, letting our muffled sobs.



They felt a kiss plant on their forehead and a small, "I love you"


Because the 'abused! Reader' has to come around once in a while.

I like this.


(Edit: for a second I thought this got deleted and I was really angry but thank god it wasn't)

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