Jealous? (Tamatilda)

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Tamara stared at the blank television as her eyeless sockets let her seem as if she could be peering anywhere. Matter of factly, her gaze traveled to Matilda, whom was admiring herself in a pocket-mirror beside the eyeless female.

Tori had recently returned to the household and had promised everyone a dinner, in which she and ell had to leave to pick up groceries for the meal.

"Stupid commie" Tamara muttered, "always ruins everything" she placed her elbow on the edge of the couch, then put her head on her hand.

"What's so bad about tori? I don't think she ruins everything! For the most part.."

Tamara glared at Matilda in response, "you have no idea what she puts me through!"

"Oh calm down, it's not like I prefer her over you." Matilda was fixing her hair in the mirror, "what are you, jealous?"

Tamara snorted, her face was going a bit pink now, "as if I'd be jealous! You can date her for all I care! I wouldn't give a damn!" Though, Tamara did give a damn, it was a small thing to care about, but it was frustrating to say the least.

"Well, I'll be going to bed!" Tamara was rather annoyed, one, Matilda ignored her answer, two, she bloody ignored Tamara.

It was only eight, though Matilda required 'beauty sleep', her eyeless roommate disagreed.

Finally, at around nine, tori and ell came home, ell giggling and Tori smirking at her.

"I don't understand how a shop stayed open from four to nine"

The girls hadn't noticed Tamara still being there, "sorry, girl, we went out to catch up!" Ell waved her hand at tam, though the chubby girl could see Tamara was frustrated.

"Y'know what? I don't care, I'll be off," she stood up, "you can fuck the Norwegian bitch for all I care!

Fists clenched, Tamara didn't understand why she was that angry, though she had kept her rage built up for the days Tori came back just made her release it. Matter-of-factly, Tamara was still mad.

She pushed into Matilda's room, which they had to share because of you-know-who. It was now that she noticed rain was storming down, 'huh' she thought, confused on how she didn't see or hear the raindrops pelleting down.

Tamara's sudden entry made Matilda wake from her slumber, "Tamara?" She mumbled sleepily, "what the heck?"

"Just.. go back to sleep.." Tam mumbled, collapsing into her water-mattress, groaning into her pillow.

Matilda was already half asleep again, facing the other way.

It was around one in the morning when Tamara was woken by someone shaking her, the girl tried to push the person away but they didn't stop.

Finally, Tamara looked around to see who it was.

"Tam! Tam! I-I can't sleep the storms.. Keeping me up.."

Tamara raised her eyebrow at Matilda, "you wake me up, why?"

"Because I can't sleep!" Matilda whined, staring at Tamara.

"Look, what do you want me to do?"

"Maybe.. Sleep in my bed with me.?" Matilda looked hopeful, pleading even. Tamara's thoughts were conflicted, though a decision was soon found.

'Pass down the opportunity of a bed? Um, no!'

"Alright.. I'll.. Stay with you.."

This made Matilda brighten up, she quickly hugged Tamara and dragged her up onto the bed.

Tamara didn't object, she just snuggled into the warmth, which happened to be Matilda. She didn't open her eyes, just curled up into a ball next to her roommate, not noticing her face was literally stuck into Matilda's boobs.

Matilda had relaxed almost immediately, despite her face a pure red.

Once Matilda was fast asleep, Tamara looked up at her, a small smile on her face, "maybe I was jealous.."


This was for my tumblr dad princeofmints see I was a good child


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