Chapter -7-

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Toshiro lay flat on his back, drifting away to sleep after getting a good fill of his mother's milk. He was trying his hardest to stay awake to play a little while longer with Luffy and his new friend with the pretty hair.

Smiles played on Luffy's and Nami's lips as they watched him reach his tiny fist up to rub his eyes in hopes to stay awake but to no avail, the drowsiness was taking over.

Nami stood, leaning over the crib with her hand resting on her chin. On the other hand, Luffy sat on his knees with his head resting in his folded arms prodded up on the crib's rail. He had taken off his jacket and suffocating tie and like Nami, had also discarded his shoes.

Makino was in the kitchen checking on the 'damage' that Luffy had done to her stock. Luckily, he didn't eat much to her relief.

Luffy stood up and over to whispered over to Nami that he was going to take a bathroom break. He ensured that he was quiet as a mouse while leaving, any sudden loud noises would surely startle the little one and Luffy knew that if that were to happen, they'll be hell to pay.

Upon leaving the restroom after relieving himself, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and found that Zoro was trying to call him.

"Yo, Zoro," Luffy answered cheerfully.

"Where are you? Garp's long gone but don't expect him to let you off the hook. The next time you meet, he said that he's going to give you a good pounding."

Luffy inadvertently gulped.

"Anyway, where are you? The guys wanna meet Na-"

Sanji grabbed the phone out of Zoro's grasp, much to the swordsman's annoyance.

"Oi, Luffy! How long do you plan on keeping the goddess from us (from me)?!"

Zoro's hand came to rest firmly on the cook's shoulder.

"Hand over my phone, swirly-cook."

"Huh!? I dare you to say that again, Marimo!"

The phone dropped to the floor and Luffy could hear the usual sound of shoes clashing against swords and couldn't help but laugh. Sanji and Zoro always amused him with their meaningless fighting.

Robin being closeby to the two reached down, retrieved the forgotten phone from the floor of the courtroom and obtained the much needed location from the captain. She like everyone else was eager to meet Nami. It was nice to have a female to hang out with besides the boys.

Robin transferred the news to the crew and they all left the empty room to enter the parking lot. Usopp was assigned to drive Franky and Zoro while Sanji, Chopper and Brook were left to Robin.

Sanji noticed Zoro walking in the complete opposite direction, face palmed and grabbed him by the back of his shirt collar and headed over to meet up with the others. He didn't know why it always seemed like he was always left to babysit the directionally challenged marimo.

When they arrived to the familiar alcohol scented bar with its homey feel, they greeted Makino at the counter who was busy preparing for her most welcomed and favoured customers. She was found conversing with the lady of the hour who sat with her feet dangling at a bar stool. She got up to meet them.

As they all piled in, Luffy appeared before them.

"Hey guys!"

"Out of the way, shitty captain!" Sanji pushed Luffy to the side and hastened forward to meet the mellorine. He had waited all day for this moment. He bowed and took Nami's hand causing her to blink at his formality.

"Dearest, Nami-swan. Your prince has arrived."

"Prince of Dumb-Ass Kingdom," Zoro scoffed.

"Huuuh!?" he turned with burning eyes to look at the green-haired swordsman,"Wanna fight?!"

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