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A/N: I honestly just want to thank you guys so much for pulling my stories through and reading them. I feel like I don't give you guys enough credit, because you guys are the reason why my stories have this many reads and votes. I just can not thank you guys enough. You all are truly amazing and just i love you so much.

ON THE SIDE: Justin Bieber is playing the Mystery Guy at Hollister!

I'm personally not a fan of Justin but this is how I imagined the new character.

Enjoy the chap!

Mysterious Guy at Hollister

"Mr. Malik. Mr. Malik." I frantically whisper through my cell phone. I look up meeting eyes with the blonde-haired boy. He turns away as he sees me staring at him.

"Yes, Justin. What's the location update? Where is he?" Mr. Malik says on the other line. "Hurry up and tell me! I still have other guys out at different locations."

"He's at Bonfire Mall....but he's with other people." I see Niall walking out of Hollister, I quietly follow behind them, keeping a little distance.

"How many "other" people? Do they look buff?" He asked.

"No they look decently skinny, but who knows, they could probably take down some boys." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

I heard him groan. "Just....just uh follow them around for awhile, make sure they don't notice you, don't look suspicious. Also make sure you update me. Ok?

"Got it. See ya later Mr. Malik."

I heard the three beeps in my ear from my iPhone signaling that he had hung up. I huffed and ran my right hand through my hair, keep an eye on the blonde boy and his friends. I stuffed my hands and my pants pockets and tried not to look or act suspicious.

Damn I did not sign up for this.

Liam Payne

It was lunch time at London Prison, which was probably my favorite time of the day. I got to eat, and talk to a few people that's not scared too. It was basically what I call the time to socialize.

I spotted my cellmate Nathan, sitting along with Alex, and Colton, at the table in the back. I made my way over to them clutching my lunch tray.

Nathan, my cellmate, is in for robbing 8 banks, which he did in a matter of 3 months. He was wasn't caught until 2 months later when he tried buying a million dollar house, when he had randomly got out of a 10,000 dollar debt. The cops thought it was pretty suspicious that Nathan came out of debt so quickly due to the amount of money he owed. A person who's just getting out of debt, doesn't try buy a million dollar house, within the same week. Unless they won the lottery which Nathan didn't. Nathan's time here is 30 years. He's on his 3 year so far. Surprisingly Nathan is only 25.

Alex is in for raping a minor, which was his what he calls his wet pussy 14 year old daughter. When he told me this I cringed, but the guy realized he was just a little crazy, and he promised that when he comes out, he's going straight to his daughter and apologize because he is truly sorry, but apparently he has no regrets of raping her.

Colton, is a very buff guy with a height of 6'5 and a shoe size of 8. He's probably the most scariest looking person I've ever seen in my life, but he is the second most cuddliest person I've ever met.

Niall is first.

Colton, is in for murdering a 17 year old boy that killed his daughter. Colton had a very close relationship with his daughter, and when he found out his daughter was shot and killed. He was desperate to try to find who killed her and when he did he lost it completely, and stabbed the boy who killed her numerous times. But Colton is a nice lad, if I have a daughter that was shot and killed I would of done the exact same thing, so I don't blame him.

"What's up mates?" I asked, placing my tray down, and sitting down at the table.

"Bullshit. I hate this place." Colton said, pushing his food around with the plastic fork.

"Life." Nathan simply said, and continued to eat his food.

I looked over at Alex waiting for an answer from him. He stayed quiet and just stared at his food. He must be in deep thought so I decided not to bother him.

"What about you Liam, what's up with you?" Colton asked, crossing his arms.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Nothing much, just......I'm thinking about breaking out of here."

Alex snapped his head up. "What? You're thinking about escaping?" He slightly yelled.

"Aye, mate sh...keep it down. And yea, I'm thinking about it. Why?"

"I just think it's a little too risky Liam." Alex said.

"Alex, I've been making big risk my entire life, this risk is no where compared to some of the ones I've took."

"Whatever...just..be careful."

"I will Al. I'll be extra careful."

Rough Criminal (Sequel to Smooth Criminal) Where stories live. Discover now