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Zayn Malik

"Damn it Justin come on, the uber is waiting!" I said, tapping my foot anxiously.

Justin came rushing toward me, pulling his suitcase behind him and his carry-on backpack on his back. "Where are the plane tickets?" He asked.

"They are in my carry-on bag in the uber. Now, lets go." Justin and I came rushing out his flat and piled into the uber. "To London City Airport!" I tell the uber driver.

While we sat in the car, I got out my cell phone and began looking up the number to the L.A. Police department.

"What are you looking up Mr. Malik?" Justin asked, leaning over to see.

"Let's see...uhh I'm looking up the number to the L.A. Police Department. Getting a head start on the plan." I explained. Justin nodded his head.

"You think our plan will work out as expectedly. Liam goes back to prison, you get Niall and I get my cash. I mean it sounds so simple now, but what if nothing happens? What if we fail? What if Liam wins and we lose? What if we never make it..?" Justin rambled on and on.

"For fucks sake Justin, shut up! Stop with the "what if's" you're thinking way too hard about this. The plan will work, it has to! I know what I'm doing, now stop questioning my work and start questioning on how I'm docking your pay for every time you think you have authority over me." I ran my hands through my hair, trying to get Justin's annoying voice out of my head.

"Sorry sir..." he mumbled and starred out the window.

After 20 minutes of riding, we reached the airport. I paid uber driver and Justin and I walked into the airport with our luggage.

I began typing in the number to the L.A. Police Department as I stopped at a bench. I pressed the call button and it began to rang. "Justin I'm calling the Police Department now so stay shush." This international call is really going to run up my bill, so this plan better be worth it.

Justin nodded his head as I put my foot on the bench and looked around.

"Hello, Los Angeles Police Department." An American lady answered.

"Uh, hello. I would like to give in an Anonymous Tip." My strong British accent echoed to the other end.

"Sure sir go head and give the name of said tip and the crime being broken." She said.

"Uh..well, there's not necessarily a crime being broken in your country, more as if another country. A dangerous threat in England has ran off and he's currently hiding out in Los Angeles County. Is there anything you can about that?" I said, trying to sound as polite and believable as possible.

"Yes, we will have to arrest them and do research to see if it is the person being described as well as deport them back thebcountry where the laws were broken." She explained.

"Alright perfect, well his name is Liam, Liam Payne. First name is L-I-A-M, last name P-A-Y-N-E. He is on the list for Top Ten most dangerous criminals in England. He has escaped prison and is said to be hiding out with his secret boyfriend named Niall Horan. First name N-I-A-L-L, last name H-O-R-A-N, in Los Angeles. I even have the hotel they are possibly staying at. Am I able to provide it?" I explained as I watched Justin walk around, waiting patiently.

"Yes sir, continue." I heard typing from the keyboard on the other end.

"They're supposedly staying at Westlake Inn Tropical Resort. He is armed and dangerous and very sneaky with his tracks so prepared for absolutely anything!
You'll need your strongest guys for sure. His boyfriend is protecting him as well and even helped him get away from the cops. That's all the information I have, I hope it will be of very good use. I explained and gave even evil smirk at Justin. He raised his eyebrows and nodded his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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