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Liam Payne

My head slammed back into the seat of the car as Niall slammed on the accelerator. "Niall what the hell, are you trying to give me whiplash?" I reached back and rubbed my neck

"Liam!" He said frantically. "It's Zayn, he's following us! He's behind us."

I looked in the rear view mirror seeing a black car on our tail. "Shit." I mumbled. "We have to lose him Ni, or he'll follow us to the airport and know we're leaving the town! He'll follow us where ever we go."

"I know." I noticed his hands were shaking over the stirring wheel. He was scared shitless.

"Ni baby, calm down a little and just drive. Make a few sharp turns and speed up. We'll lose them." I watched him nod his head and take a few deep breaths.

He made a sharp right turn and sped up, taking us off the main road. Though, Zayn did the same staying on our tail. "Do it again, he's still gaining on us." I said.

Niall made another sharp turn left, but Zayn was not about to lose us. I saw Niall look into the rearview mirror, seeing the same black car following us. "Li, there's another car following us too behind Zayn." I looked into the rearview mirror as well.

"Fuck." I mumbled under my breath. "Is it the cops? Maybe in one of those unmarked cars. I hope not.

"I hope it's not the cops either, this would be my second time knowing where you are, which would make me an accomplice. They'll charge me Liam, I don't have that kind of money!" Niall ranted.

He made a sharp turn into an alley, which lead us back to the main road. Niall slammed into the accelerator, the black car behind us being seen in the distance, struggling to keep up. We turned back onto the main road. Niall sped pass numerous cars helping us blend in.

I look into the rearview mirror, seeing neither of the cars following us. "I think we lost them Ni."

Niall let out a breath. "Thank you, Jesus. Let's hurry and get to the airport."

Zayn Malik

I pulled over on the side of the road and banged on the stirring wheel. "FUCK FUCK FUCK! WE FUCKING LOST THEM, JUSTIN!" I did some deep breaths trying to calm myself down. "I should of gotten the fucking plate number! I wasn't thinking! The one good chance we had!"

"Mr. Malik, calm down! They can't hide forever. They'll turn up soon!" Justin pulled over behind me. There was a small silence before I spoke up.

"Yea you're right mate, but in the meantime....let's trash Niall's apartment...so when they come back, he'll have a surprise."

I pulled off and did a U-turn, heading back to Niall's dorm. Justin did the same, following close behind me. "Alright, see you there." I said and hung up the mobile.

When Justin and I arrived back at Niall's apartment, we went up the fire escape stairway outside and climbed into Niall's office. "The Uni still hasn't fixed this window. That's a shame." I said.

I looked around in Niall's apartment seeing empty open drawers. I walked to his closet seeing it empty as well. "What the hell...his wardrobe is completely empty. I can't throw clothes everywhere because there are none!"

"You don't think they were leaving out of town?Justin asked.

"Could have. But they can't be gone forever. Let's just trash whatever is still here." I said, as I threw Niall's lamp on the floor, shattering it to pieces. I grabbed his posters off the wall and ripped them apart as Justin sprayed painted curse words on the walls. I pushed Niall's bed mattress on the floor and threw the sheets off of it.

After that, I went to the living room and ripped up the couch. I hit the glass coffee table with a bat, shattering it to pieces as well.

"Mr. Malik, look at what I just found!" Justin came into view with a notebook in his hand. "I found this on Niall's nightstand."

I scanned over the paper seeing a hotel name and the cost. "Hey Justin, open google and type this in."

I watched Justin take his phone out of his pocket. "Okay, I'm ready." He said.

"Type in Westlake Inn Tropical Resort." The sound of the clicks echoed in the room as Justin typed in it.

"It says it's in Los Angeles..." He trailed off, he turned his phone screen around to me so I can see.

"Let me see this." I grabbed his phone out of his hand to get a closer look. "Is this where they were going?" I asked.

Justin shrugged his shoulders. "It could be. Look at the evidence. Liam breaks out of prison, the first place he's going, is here! Then all of a sudden, in a matter of hours, this place is completely stripped of Niall's wardrobe."

"Both Niall and Liam knew that the first place the cops would check for Liam is here as well. So, to avoid that they'll hide somewhere else for awhile." I said.

"Right, and they'll hide out somewhere the police wouldn't check. He's one of the most dangerous criminals in England. Not world wide." Justin continued.

"Which means that the cops wouldn't be looking for him in other parts of the world, only in England. " I said.

"Exactly, so this hotel in Los Angeles, California is our best bet here. Let's take the risk and assume that this is where they ran off too. " Justin said, pointing in the notebook.

"Though, if we told the cops Niall and Liam left the country, we would need evidence that they are not in this country." I said. Justin nods his head, agreeing.

"Justin, let's go pack our bags. We're going to L.A."

Rough Criminal (Sequel to Smooth Criminal) Where stories live. Discover now