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Zayn Malik

I sat down on my couch, watching Netflix when my cell phone rang. I picked up my phone and answered it.

"Ello, it's Zayn." I cross my right leg over my left.

"Mr. Malik did you hear!?" Justin's voice rang through my speakers.

"Hear what mate?"

"Liam escaped out of prison!" Justin exclaimed.

I chuckle to myself. " This is great! All we gotta do is find out where he's hiding out and call the police. Then he'll get a higher sentencing and security. This is getting good."

"He's probably hiding out at that blonde guy's flat. I mean where else would he be?" Justin breathed out.

"How about we go pay ole' sexy blondie visit then? Meet me there? You known his address right? I gave it to you earlier this week."

"Yea, I got it. I'll be there in about 10?"

"Okay, i'm leaving now. See ya there."

I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

Niall Horan

Liam and I were about halfway finish packing all my clothes. Liam and I have to share my clothes due to him not being home and just escaping prison.

"I have extra swim trunks and underwear. I have a brand new toothbrush unopened as well in the drawer. Then we should be all good." I said.

"Thanks babe."

"Li, do you think we have enough money worth for 3 weeks? What if we run out and can't get plane tickets back home?" I said, writing down the name of the hotel we're staying at and how much it's gonna cost in my notebook.

"Ni, stop worrying you're pretty little head." He came over and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead. "We'll be fine. It's vacation. We're suppose to forget our worries and enjoy the time."

I nod my head and rest my head on his chest. "I guess you're right. I'm just thinking about what could go wrong and what we could do to fix it."

He ran his hand through my hair. "We'll figure it out when we get there."

"And my cell phone, how could I call people in Europe from America?" I looked up at him worried.

"We'll ask the Americans around us. I'm sure they'll know." I rolled my eyes. "Finish packing everything and i'll buy the plane tickets." I said, moving away from his grip and grabbing my laptop as I set my notebook on the nightstand.

He nodded his head and went through my drawers getting my clothes. I opened my laptop and bought tickets for the next plane ride to Los Angeles, California in the British Airways airline. I also booked a room for Liam and I in a resort hotel. I even emailed my emailed my professors for the work I will miss. Even though I'll be gone about 3 weeks, they were only able to email me a 2 week worth.

I walked to my printer and grabbed the tickets. I stuffed them in the duffle bag so they won't get lost. "I put the plane tickets in the bag. Finish packing." I asked Liam.

"Just about. Getting a couple more shirts and some soap and we should be all good." He flashes a smile at me. I smile back at him. "

"I'm kind of excited." I say.

"You should be babe. It's vacation. No school, no work, no prison, no drama and no Zayn. Just me, you and the sun. It'll be an amazing time."

He zips up the duffle bag and changes out of his prison orange and into the clothes I laid out for him. He picks up the prison uniform. "Lets burn this." He chuckles.

"We'll throw them in the dumpster on the way out. Are you ready to go now? Do we have everything?" I asked.

"Yep, chargers, clothes, toiletries, phone, laptop, shoes, underwear...and other stuff." Liam names a few things off the list and grabs my hand. "Let's go, baby boy."

We walk out of my dorm and lock it. I quickly go out back to the dumpster and through his prison uniform in there. I come back and jump into the drivers seat of my car and begin to back out.

Zayn Malik

"Hey mate, i'm here. What about you?" I said into my mobile.

Justin shuffled on the other line. "I'm in the parking lot. Parked by the tree."

"Alright, lets go raid this motherfucker!" I said, opening my car door and stepping out.

"Wait! Mr. Malik! You see that blue car backing out? Isn't that them? It looks like them. You're closer to them I can't really tell from here." Justin says.

I turn my head towards the navy blue car backing out a few feet away from me. I spot a blonde haired boy driving and a brown haired boy sitting in the passenger seat.

"Oh Justin, we got the meat! That's them!" I chuckled.

Niall paused from backing out and stared a me for a quick second. I winked at him and gave him a wave. Before I could even blink, he forcefully accelerates the car, his tires squeaking in the process.

"Justin! They're making a move. Let's go!" I jumped back in my car and slammed the door. I quickly put my key in the ignition and backed out.. Justin's car a few yards away behind me. I step on the accelerator, my tires squeaking as well, following Niall's blue car. I set my phone down and put Justin on speaker. "Man you ready for a high speed chase because that what this is about to turn into."

"I'm ready. Let's catch this son of a bitch!" He says.

"That's the spirit!"

Rough Criminal (Sequel to Smooth Criminal) Where stories live. Discover now